Python 201: Advanced Python Possibilities

In this advanced course, discover some of the many capabilities of the Python programming language.


Follow the links below to view each week of material.


By the end of this course, each student should:

  • recognize the breadth of uses for Python
  • feel comfortable writing some basic Python programs
  • explore the connection between Python and individual passions
  • create at least one new, unique, and complex Python application

Why Learn Python?

If you have learned to code in other languages (like C# or JavaScript), learning Python can enhance your programming skills profoundly. Applying the same concepts in multiple languages will help reinforce your mastery of those concepts, and make it much easier for you to learn new languages in the future. Python is generally less verbose than a lot of other languages, and there are several things you can do with very few lines of code. Python is also very popular for industry and personal projects.

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