Turtle Challenges

After completing the Turtle Code-Along, take a look at these challenges.

Turtle Bugs

Each of the following replit.com projects contains a bug. Diagnose them and try to fix them, using the code fom the code-along as a reference point.

HINT: Check the console for error messages!

Other Turtle Powers

Turtles can do a whole lot. Play around with some of these different capabilities.



It is possible to change the speed the turtle moves with turtle.speed(). Make the turtle move faster or slower depending on the situation!

Pen Size


It is possible to change the width of the pen drawing for the turtle with turtle.pensize() or turtle.width(). Drawing thicker or thinner lines can make for much more interesting designs!

Showing and Hiding


It is possible to hide the turtle, and then show it again with turtle.hideturtle() and turtle.showturtle(). This can make designs look much cleaner, and the turtle can draw faster when it is hidden!

Pen Fills


It is possible to fill in shapes using turtle.begin_fill() and turtle.end_fill(). Use begin_fill before the shape drawing begins, and end_fill after the drawing ends. The fill will be the color of the turtle. Remember to use both begin_fill and end_fill to make sure the shapes are properly filled!

Turtle Talk


It is possible for turtles to write text to the screen using turtle.write. This can make turtle programs much more dynamic; this capability could even be used for some storytelling!

Draw a Turtle

Try to use all of the turtle capabilities to draw a real turtle! It can be as simple or as complex as desired.

New Mexico State Flag

Try to recreate the New Mexico State Flag as accurately as possible using turtle graphics.

Complete Drawing

Use all of the turtle knowledge above to create a complete drawing. It could be a house, a cat, a star, a person; anything!

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