Choose Your Adventure Game - Part 6

For the next part, add a name checker. This code-along covers method parameters and returns.

Starting Point

For this code-along, start from the ending point of part five. If needed, fork this Repl project to begin.

Defining the Method

Start by defining a new method that will check if a given name is good or not.

  1. Make a new line under the Main block
    • Make sure to be within the Program block still
  2. Start with the two words to define a method: public static
  3. This method should return a true/false value, so put bool after
  4. Next, put the method name: NameCheck
  5. After that, put parentheses and curly brackets: () { }
  6. This method should take in a name, so put string name in the parentheses

The code for the basic method definition should look something like this:

public static bool NameCheck(string name)


Filling Out the Body

Now it's time to make the method actually do something! It should take the name parameter and check if it is a good name. For this game, a good name is either "Wirt" or "Greg".

  1. In the body block of the NameCheck method, make a new if/else
  2. For the if condition (between ( and )), check if name is "Wirt" or "Greg"
  3. If the name is Wirt or Greg, return a value of true
    • This should be in the body of the if
  4. In all other cases, return a value of false
    • This should be in the body of the else

The code for the full method definition should look something like this:

public static bool NameCheck(string name)
    if (name == "Wirt" || name == "Greg")
        return true;
        return false;

Note that running the program still will not do anything with this code yet!

Calling the Method

The next step is to call the NameCheck method.

  1. Find the part of the code where the keepGoing variable is first declared
  2. Make a new line under that
  3. There, declare a new bool variable named goodName
  4. Set goodName to a call of NameCheck
  5. Pass in the name variable to the NameCheck call

The code for this part should look something like this:

bool goodName = NameCheck(name);

It still won't do anything new yet, but now the method code is running!

Using the Result

The last step is to use the result for something interesting. The game should continue if the player has entered a good name, and stop otherwise.

  1. Under the goodName variable declaration, create an if/else structure
  2. For the if condition, use goodName
  3. If the name is good, write a message to the console saying the name is good
    • This should go in the body of the if
  4. If the name is no good, write a message saying the player cannot play
  5. Also, set the keepGoing variable to false
    • Both of these should happen in the else body

Now, run the program, and verify that it is only possible to continue when a good name is entered! The code for this part should look something like this:

if (goodName)
    Console.WriteLine("That name is good...");
    Console.WriteLine("You cannot play.");
    keepGoing = false;

Final Program

By the end of this code-along, the main.cs file should look something like this:

using System;

class Program {
  public static void Main (string[] args) {

    Console.WriteLine("What is your name?");
    string name = Console.ReadLine();
    int health = 5;
    bool keepGoing = true;

    bool goodName = NameCheck(name);

    if (goodName)
      Console.WriteLine("That name is good...");
      Console.WriteLine("You cannot play.");
      keepGoing = false;

    while (keepGoing)
      Console.WriteLine("\nHello " + name);
      Console.WriteLine("Your health is " + health);

      Console.WriteLine("\nWhere do you go? (barn, tree, path)");
      string go = Console.ReadLine();

      Console.WriteLine("\nYou go to the " + go);

      if (go == "barn")
        Console.WriteLine("You go into the barn and find a potion. +1health");
        health = health + 1;
      else if (go == "tree")
        Console.WriteLine("You check out the tree and find some bees. -1health");
        health = health - 1;
      else if (go == "path")
        Console.WriteLine("You walk down the path and face the monster.");
        health = health - 5;
        keepGoing = false;
        Console.WriteLine("Invalid option.");

    if (health < 1)
      Console.WriteLine("You have died.");
      Console.WriteLine("You make it out of the woods.");

  public static void PrintIntro()
    Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
    Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkRed;

    Console.WriteLine("You awaken in a strange place.");
    Console.WriteLine("You see a barn, a big tree, and a path through the woods.\n");

  public static bool NameCheck(string name)
    if (name == "Wirt" || name == "Greg")
      return true;
      return false;

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