About Me Code-Along: Hard-Coded Values

Create a program that stores some information about a user, and then prints it out in a sentence format. Start by creating a new C# Repl, and then follow the steps below.

Name Variable

First, declare and set a new variable. This variable will hold a name; feel free to use your own name, or any other name you'd like.

  1. Remove any code from the Main code block
  2. Create a new string variable named userName with string userName
  3. Set the value of the variable to a new string with = ""
  4. Fill out the name between the opening and closing quotation marks
  5. Add a semi-colon at the end
string userName = "Jordan Conrad";

Other Variables

After the first variable is declared and set, it's time to add some additional variables. Remember to end each statement with a semi-colon!

  1. Make a new line under the first variable
  2. Declare a new int variable named userAge, and set it equal to any age (e.g. 27)
  3. Make another new line
  4. Declare another int variable named numberOfPets, and set it equal to any number (e.g. 2)
  5. Make another new line
  6. Declare a string variable named school, and set it equal to a value between quotes ("")
  7. Fill out a value for the school variable (e.g. "Medina High School")

Run the program, and make sure there are no errors.

Note: There may be warnings saying that these variables are never used - that is to be expected at this point

int userAge = 27;
int numberOfPets = 2;
string school = "Medina High School";

Displaying the Name Information

Now that the information is properly stored in variables, try displaying it in a sentence format. Start with the userName value.

  1. Make a new line under the variables
  2. Create a Console.WriteLine(); statement to display a message
  3. Within the parentheses for the Console.WriteLine();, add a set of double quotes ("")
  4. Within the double quotes, type out "Hello! My name is "
    • Make sure to include the space
  5. After the ending quote, add a + and the userName variable

Run the program, and verify that the sentence appears in the console!

Console.WriteLine("Hello! My name is " + userName);

Displaying the Other Information

Next, display the rest of the information.

  1. Under the previous statement, add another Console.WriteLine();
  2. Within the parentheses, add a string that says "I am "
  3. After the quote, use + to add the userAge variable
  4. After the variable, use + again to complete the message with " years old"
Console.WriteLine("I am " + userAge + " years old");
  1. Under that, add another Console.WriteLine();
  2. Within the parentheses, add a string that says "I have "
  3. After the quote, use + to add the numberOfPets variable
  4. After the variable, use + again to complete the message with " pets
Console.WriteLine("I have " + numberOfPets + " pets");
  1. Under that, add another Console.WriteLine();
  2. Within the parentheses, add a string that says "I went to school at "
  3. After the quote, use + to add the school variable
Console.WriteLine("I went to school at " + school);

Run the code, and make sure all the information is displayed properly!

Final Code

string userName = "Jordan Conrad";
int userAge = 27;
int numberOfPets = 2;
string school = "Medina High School";

Console.WriteLine("Hello! My name is " + userName);
Console.WriteLine("I am " + userAge + " years old");
Console.WriteLine("I have " + numberOfPets + " pets");
Console.WriteLine("I went to school at " + school);

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