
There is so much you can do with HTML and CSS. Here are some ideas!

HTML: Embed a YouTube Video

It is pretty simple to add a YouTube video to your website; YouTube does all the hard work for you! First, find an appropriate video (e.g., color red). Then, follow this guide to copy the HTML code needed to embed the video. Then, paste it into your index.html file!

The code should look something like this:

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

CSS: Custom Fonts

There are some fonts built into the web by default, but there are a ton more available online. Use Google Fonts to outfit your website with a cool custom one!

Built-In Project Fonts

Some fonts are already built into the Glitch project. In the project files area, open the extras/ folder, and then the fonts.txt file. This file contains a list of usable fonts! Find one, and put it in the style.css code like this:

* {
  font-family: "Georgia";

Try out some of the different ones to see how they look!

More Google Fonts

Click here for a full guide on using Google Fonts. There are so many fonts available!

Here is an example using a font called Ms Madi:

@import url('');

* {
  font-family: "Ms Modi", cursive;

To use a different font, copy the name and update the Ms+Madi part of the url.

CSS: Create a Gradient Background or a Background Image

Currently, the background of the website is just a solid color. But it can be a gradient color, or even an image!

Background Gradient

Luckily, there is a website that generates CSS code for gradients.

  1. Open a new tab and go to
  2. Play around with the color selection tools to find a nice gradient to use
    • Select different colors for each point on the line
    • Change angles or gradient type
    • Add new color points
    • Do whatever makes it look the best!
  3. Once a good gradient is found, scroll down a bit to the CSS section
  4. Click the "Copy to Clipboard" button at the bottom of the CSS box
  5. Go back to the StackBlitz project, and open the style.css file for editing
  6. Within the body rule, (between { and }), paste the code (starting with background)
  7. Save the project to see the background change!

That should be it! The code should end up looking something like this:

body {
  background: rgb(34,193,195);
  background: linear-gradient(163deg, rgba(34,193,195,1) 0%, rgba(104,191,147,1) 10%, rgba(101,175,65,1) 40%, rgba(253,240,45,1) 100%);

Background Image

It is also possible to give the page a background image.

  1. Find an image online
  2. Copy the image address
  3. Open the style.css file
  4. Remove the value for the background property
  5. Replace the value with url("")
  6. Inside the quotes, paste the image address
  7. Save the project to see the background change!

It should look something like this:

body {
    background: url("");

CSS: Header Text Shadow

Another neat CSS trick is to add text shadow. For this example, add text shadow only to the h1 header.

  1. In the style.css file, make a new line at the very bottom under everything
  2. Create a new rule for the top header by adding h1 and {
    • This will mean that all styles apply to each h1 HTML element
  3. Make a new line, and press space a couple times
  4. There, add a new property: text-shadow: red -1px 1px
  5. Make another new line, and add the closing } curly bracket
  6. Save the project to see the shadow!
  7. Update the numbers and the color to see how it changes the effect

The code should look something like this:

h1 {
    text-shadow: red -1px 1px;

CSS: Change Text Color on Hover

To make the website feel a bit more 🌟 i n t e r a c t i v e 🌟, update the styles when hovering over certain elements on the page!

  1. In the style.css file, create a new rule for li at the bottom of the file
    • The styles in this rule will only affect li elements
  2. Add the color property with a value of orange
    • Notice that the text color changed
  3. Update the beginning part so that instead of li, it is li:hover
    • This means the styles will only apply when the user hovers over the li elements
  4. Save the project, and hover over the list items to see them change!
  5. Update the values to change the effect
li:hover {
  color: orange;

CSS: Animations

Click here for a guide to CSS animations.

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