Self-Paced Work: Mad Libs Updates

Continue creating the "Pizza" Mad Libs with the next sentence in the story!

To make a pizza, you need to take a lump of ___noun___ and make a thin, round ___adjective___ ___noun___.

Part 1 - Adding Additional Inputs

For the story continue, the first step is to add some additional replacement words. There should be a text box for each one!

  1. Open the index.html file for editing
  2. Under the existing <p> elements for the inputs, above the <p> element for the button, create a new <p></p> element
  3. Within the <p></p>, add text for the part-of-speech label (e.g., Noun:)
  4. After that, still within the <p></p>, add an <input /> element
  5. Give the new <input /> a unique id attribute value (e.g., noun1)

Repeat the steps above for each of these new word replacements:

Part-of-speech id attribute
Noun noun1
Adjective adj2
Noun noun2

Each full <p></p> should end up looking something like this (with a different text label and id value):

<p>Adjective: <input id="adj1" /></p>

Part 2 - Receiving the User Input in JavaScript

Next, it's time to grab those values from the text boxes. It will be necessary to pull values for each <input /> element.

  1. Open the script.js file for editing
  2. Make a new line in the body of the madLibs function, under the existing value variables
  3. Create a new variable to store the <input /> element (e.g., noun1Element)
  4. Set the variable to be a call to document.querySelector()
  5. Pass in the proper selector to select the targeted <input /> based on its id attribute value
  6. Once the element has been stored, create another new variable on the next line to store the entered text (e.g., noun1Value)
  7. Set that variable to be the value of the input element variable

Repeat the steps above for each of the new input elements:

id for <input /> Element variable Value variable
noun1 noun1Element noun1Value
adj2 adj2Element adj2Value
noun2 noun2Element noun2Value

Each set of variables should end up looking something like this (with different variable names and a different selector string):

let adjective1Element = document.querySelector("#adjective1");
let adjective1Value = adjective1Element.value;

Part 3 - Displaying the Next Sentence

Now that the values have been retrieved from the text boxes, they can be added to the sentence!

  1. Open the script.js file for editing
  2. Find where the story variable is created
  3. Add the full additional sentence to the story
    • To make a pizza, you need to take a lump of __noun__ and make a thin, round __adjective__ __noun__.
  4. Replace each blank word with its corresponding variable value
    • Use template literal embedded expressions to accomplish this
    • E.g., the first noun blank should become ${noun1Value}

Run the program, enter some new words, click the button, and ensure that the next sentence appears!

Part 4 - One More Sentence

Continue the pizza story by adding the next sentence:

Then you cover it with ___adjective___ sauce, ___adjective___ cheese, and fresh chopped ___plural noun___.

Follow these steps for each new replaceable word:

  1. In the index.html file, create an <input /> element with a unique id attribute value
  2. In the script.js file, in the madLibs function, store the <input /> element in a variable
  3. Under that, store the text value from the <input /> element in another variable
  4. In the story variable, add the next sentence
  5. Replace the blank word with the text value variable

Once that's done, run the program again, enter some new words, click the button, and ensure that the next sentence appears!

Challenge 1 - Clearing Input

After each time the page displays a story, clear the text the user entered in the inputs.

Challenge 2 - More Mad Libs

Try to create an entirely new Mad Libs story!

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