Self-Paced Work: Chatbot Updates

Update the chatbot to make it more robust.

More Responses

There is always room for more responses to be added to the chatbot! Come up with some original ones, or use this list as a basis. Each new response should use a similar if statement structure:

if (message === "MESSAGE") {

Add several responses to make the chatbot more lifelike.

Message Response
What's up? Not much
How are you I am fine
Sing a song Mary had a little lamb
What is 1+1 1+1 is 2
Tell me a joke I'm against picketing, but I don't know how to show it.
Give me a quote You miss 100% of the shots you take

An Else

Currently, the chatbot will not respond if the message is not in an if statement. There should be a catch-all response for any messages that are not properly handled. This is possible using an else if and else structure.

Read through this page for more information about how else if works. Here is an example:

if (message === "Hello") {
} else if (message === "Goodbye") {
} else {
    alert("I do not understand your message.");

Update the existing chat function so that it can respond to other messages by saying "I do not understand your message."


After completing the self-paced work, take a look at the challenges.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""