Challenge: Function Tests
One of the most important practices in the real world of software quality is unit testing. Sometimes, with paradigms like test-driven development, unit tests are so important that they are written before the actual software!
For this challenge, there is a mocked-up version of a test harness, and it's up to you to make sure all the tests pass. Click here for the project. Add code to the script.js file for each challenge.
Challenge 1: Age Calculator
Determine a person's age based on the year they were born.
- Function Name:
- Parameter 1: Year of Birth (Number)
- Return: Estimated Age (assuming everyone was born on Jan 1) (Number)
let result = ageCalculator(1990);
alert(result); // Should display: 33
Challenge 2: Temperature Converter
Convert a temperature in Celsius into Fahrenheit.
- Function Name:
- Parameter 1: Temperature in Celsius (Number)
- Return: Temperature in Fahrenheit (Number)
let result = tempConvert(20);
alert(result); // Should display: 68
Challenge 3: Film Display
Given some information about a movie, create a display message with all of it formatted nicely.
- Function Name:
- Parameter 1: Film Title (String)
- Parameter 2: Year Released (Number)
- Parameter 3: Film Director (String)
- Return: A nicely formatted message (String)
let result = filmDisplay("Tár", 2022, "Todd Field");
alert(result); // Should display: Todd Field - TÁR (2022)
Challenge 4: String Mixer
Given two words, return the combination of the two, slicing out and swapping the first two characters of each (see examples for reference).
- Function Name:
- Parameter 1: First Word (String)
- Parameter 2: Second Word (String)
- Return: One Mixed Up string
let result = stringMixUp("mix", "pod");
alert(result); // Should display: pox mid
let result2 = stringMixUp("dog", "dinner");
alert(result2); // Should display: dig donner
Challenge 5: Number Reverser
Given a number, return the reverse of the number (see examples for reference).
- Function Name:
- Parameter 1: A Number (Number)
- Return: The number with digits reversed
let result = reverseNum(201);
alert(result); // Should display: 102
let result2 = reverseNum(4073);
alert(result2); // 3704