HTML & CSS Review Code-Along

Start by remixing this empty project, then follow the instructions below to build a simple webpage!

Add the Basic HTML Elements

Add the foundational elements to the index.html file. Start with <html></html>, then add <head></head> and <body></body> between the HTML tags.


Add a Header

Between the opening and closing body tags, add an h3 element. Within the h3 element, add the proper text.

<h3>Despicable Me Fan Site</h3>

Add an Image

Add an image to the page.

  1. Go to Google Images
  2. Find an image, and copy the image address/URL/location
  3. Create an img tag, and set its src attribute to be the URL for the image
<img src="">

Add a Paragraph

Under the img element, add a p element that contains the text for the paragraph.

<p>Despicable Me is a great film filled with several memorable characters and zany plot lines.</p>

Add Another Header

Under the p, add another h3 header that will serve as the title for a list.

<h3>Top Three Movies Of All Time</h3>

Add a List

Under the h3, create an ol element. Between the opening and closing tags, create three li elements with the proper text.

    <li>Despicable Me</li>
    <li>Despicable Me 2</li>
    <li>Despicable Me 3</li>

Create a New CSS File

Now it's time to add some style. Create a new file named style.css, and save it in the same folder as the index.html file. In the file, add a ruleset that will select the body (all the content on the page). Within the ruleset, set the background property to black, and the color property to orange.

body {
    background: black;
    color: orange;

Although CSS has been added to the style.css file, nothing has changed on the page! This is because the CSS file must be linked in the HTML file.

In the index.html file, between the opening and closing head tags, create a link tag. It should have an href attribute with the value style.css, a type attribute with the value text/css, and a rel attribute with the value stylesheet. Now the page should have the styles!

<link href="style.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet">

Add an Image Style

Currently, the image might be a little big. Use CSS to update its size. In the style.css file, add a ruleset that will select the img. Within the ruleset, set the height property to 200px.

img {
    height: 200px;

Add a Main Header Style

Next, it would be nice for the main header to stand out a little more. To select this header specifically, but not any other header, add an id attribute to it in the HTML, and then select it by its ID in the CSS.

In the index.html file, find the top h3 header. Add an id attribute with a value of main to the element.

<h3 id="main">Despicable Me Fan Site</h3>

In the style.css file, add a ruleset that will select elements with an ID of main using #main. Within the ruleset, set the color property to yellow (this is the color of the minions).

#main {
    color: yellow;

Final Code

That's it! The Despicable Me Fan Site looks pretty good.


        <link href="style.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet">
        <h3 id="main">Despicable Me Fan Site</h3>
        <img src="">
        <p>Despicable Me is a great film filled with several memorable characters and zany plot lines.</p>

        <h3>Top Three Movies Of All Time</h3>
            <li>Despicable Me</li>
            <li>Despicable Me 2</li>
            <li>Despicable Me 3</li>



body {
    background: black;
    color: orange;

img {
    height: 200px;

#main {
    color: yellow;

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