Challenges: Various Functions

Create a webpage where users can perform various functions on two inputs.


Start by forking this empty project, then follow the steps below.


Do some initial setup to begin.

  1. Create a new script.js file
  2. Update the index.html file with the basic starter code
    • <html>, <body>, <head>, <script>
  3. Also in the index.html file:
    • Create two text <inputs />, each with a unique id
    • Create a <p> with a unique id
    • Create a <button> with the text "Add"

First Button

Make the button add the two numbers from the inputs together, and display the result on the page.

  1. In the script.js file, define a function named addNumbers
  2. In the body of the addNumbers function:
    • Retrieve the text values from the two text <inputs /> in the HTML
    • Convert the text values into numbers
    • Add the two numbers together
    • Retrieve the <p> from the HTML
    • Set the paragraph's text to be the result of the calculation
    • Clear the text <input /> values
  3. In the index.html file, set the onclick attribute of the button to call the addNumbers function

Second Button

Repeat the steps above for a new function: multiplyNumbers. Add a new <button> to the HTML, and test out both of the buttons.

Abstracting the Functionality

So far, it has been possible to execute two functions on the two input values. Expand this to make it easier to add more functions, without repeating a lot of code.

Simplifying Functions

The addNumbers and multiplyNumbers functions are doing too much right now. In general, functions should do as little as possible, so repeated code is not necessary.

Simplify the addNumbers and multiplyNumbers functions. They should:

  • Take in the text values as parameters
  • Convert the values to numbers
  • Perform the calculation
  • Return the result of the calculation

Runner Function

The next step is to create a runner function that will call all other functions as needed. Each button should be identifiable by a number. The runner function will call the corresponding function.

  1. In the script.js file, define a function named runButton
  2. In the body of the runButton function:
    • Take in a numeric parameter representing which function to call
    • Retrieve the text values from the two text <input />s in the HTML
    • Call the appropriate function, passing the text values as parameters
      • E.g., if the numeric parameter is 1, call addNumbers. If the numeric parameter is 2, call multiplyNumbers.
    • Set the paragraph's text to the result of the function call
    • Clear the text input values

For example, say the "Add" button is 1, and the "Multiply" button is 2. Calling runButton(1) should perform the addNumbers action, and calling runButton(2) should perform the multiplyNumbers. Note that these identifiers are completely arbitrary. Any sort of parameter works, as long as the runButton calls the right function!

Updating Function Calls

Now, the runButton function should be able to handle any of the buttons! Update the onclick attribute for each button so that they each call runButton with the appropriate numeric identifier.

Adding New Buttons

Now, it should be possible to add a new buttons for new calculations.

To add a new button and function:

  • In the script.js file, define a new function that will take in two values as parameters, and return the result
  • Call this function within the runButton function based on its numeric identifier (e.g., 3)
  • In the index.html file, create a new button that will call runButton with the numeric identifier as the parameter (e.g., 3)

That's all! Try to create buttons that will perform the following actions:

  1. Divide the two inputs
  2. Say whether or not the two inputs are equal (return a string)
  3. Return the larger input
  4. Return the average of the two inputs
  5. Return the larger input minus the smaller input

More Functions - Single Input

Try to think of possible calculations to perform on a single input. Try playing this function game for inspiration.

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