Warm-Up: Cotton Candy Inputs

Start by opening up this project and remixing it. It contains a simple HTML page that has a header and two input boxes.

The goal of this activity is to give one of the boxes a pink background, and the other one an aqua background.

  1. Open the index.html file for editing
  2. Add an id attribute to the first <input> element, and set it to pink
  3. Add an id attribute to the second <input> element, and set it to aqua
  4. Open the style.css file for editing
  5. Create a new ruleset selecting the pink input by its id
  6. Within the #pink { } ruleset, use background: pink; to set the background color to pink
  7. Repeat the steps above for a #aqua ruleset - set its background color to aqua

Click the Run button, and make sure the two inputs appear with the proper cotton candy colors!


For an additional challenge, create a third input that should have a lavender background color.

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