Challenges: Functions

Accomplish all of the challenges below without using if, switch, or any loops. Make sure to check the resource links if you're stuck!

Start by remixing the JavaScriptStarter project. Some of these are fairly challenging, but all of them are definitely possible!


Addition Calculator

Add a button to the index.html file with the text "Add". When clicked, the button should:

  • Ask the user for the first number they would like to add
  • Ask the user for the second number they would like to add
  • Display the sum of the two numbers entered

Hint: to make this work, it will be necessary to convert the values into numbers before performing the addition.

Additional Operations

After creating the addition button, create three more buttons for subtraction, multiplication, and division. These buttons should work like the "Add" button, but instead of adding the two numbers, they should perform the new calculation.

The Cat's Meow

Note: A button is not necessary for this challenge!

Add a picture of a cat to the index.html file, and have it display a message of "meow" when clicked.

Mad Libs

Create a button that will generate a mad libs story when clicked.


Come up with a simple story containing at least THREE blank spots for the user to insert their own words. If desired, start by writing this own on paper or in a text file.


Create a button in the index.html file.

  • The button should have "Mad Libs" as the text
  • The button should execute a JavaScript function when clicked


Define a function in the script.js file. This function should execute when the user clicks the "Mad Libs" button.

In the body of the function:

  • Prompt the user for the blank words in the story
    • Make sure to include the part of speech when asking the user for a word
  • Display the completed story, inserting the user-provided words in place of the blanks

Go to Google

Add a button with text "Go to Google" to the index.html page that, when clicked, will:

  • Display a message saying "Going to Google..."
  • Redirect the browser to Google

Hint: there are a couple different ways to do this. It is possible to do it without using any new coding concepts!

Button-based Calculator

Note: this is different than the other simpler Addition Calculator challenge.

Create a button-based calculator that can perform addition, subtraction, division, and multiplication.


The HTML for the calculator should consist of many buttons:

  • One button for each numeric digit (0-9)
  • One button for open and close parenthesis: ( and )
  • One button for each basic math operator: +, -, /, and *
  • One button to perform the final calculation: =


Each of the buttons should have a different functionality.

Character Buttons

When any button other than the = button is clicked, the program should add that character to the running equation. Additionally, the program should display the current equation. For example, if the "2" button is pressed, the program should display "2". Then, if the "+" button is pressed, the program should display "2+". Then, if the "1" button is pressed, the program should display "2+1".

Equals Button

When the = button is pressed, the program should:

  • Display the result of the equation
    • Ex, if the equation is "2+1", display "3"
  • Clear the current equation

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