Existing Projects

One of the most important parts of software development is reading and understanding code written by someone else. For this challenge, take some existing projects, and make them your own by changing the values of some variables. All the important variables should be at the very top of the script.js file in each project.

Note: Many of these projects use external libraries or advanced JS features

Note 2: These examples were created for a program that involved a scavenger hunt, so there may be some clues hidden throughout

The HTML5 Canvas

The Canvas API provides a means for drawing graphics via JavaScript and the HTML <canvas> element.

Click here to view the project. Remix the project to begin.

Processing with p5.js

The p5.js library makes creative coding possible - you can make all kinds of different art with it. Here are some example projects:

Advanced Examples: Fractals

The code for these projects is a bit more complex, but it does some interesting things.

Phaser: Platformer Game

The Phaser framework is one way to make games with JavaScript.

Click here to view the project. Remix the project to begin.

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