Self-Paced Work: Background Changer Revisited

Previously, there was a webpage that could change its background color on a button click. The page would ask for colors using prompts, and then set the background color. Improve that webpage by using an HTML input instead of prompts to get a color from the user!

Part 1 - HTML Setup

Start by remixing this starter project, then follow the steps below.

  1. Open the index.html file for editing
  2. In the <body></body>, add an <h1> header saying Background Changer
  3. Under the header, add a new <p> paragraph
  4. Within the paragraph, add text that says "Color: "
  5. Within the paragraph, add an <input /> with a type of "text"
    • Give the <input /> an id attribute with value "color-input"
  6. Within the paragraph, add a <button> with text Change Background
  7. Underneath the paragraph, add a <div> element
    • Give the <div> an id attribute with value "color-list"
    • Note: at this point, the <div> should not appear on the page

At the end of this section, the page should look something like this:

Part 2 - JavaScript Setup

Now that the HTML is in place, it's time to add some JavaScript.

  1. Open the script.js file for editing
  2. In the file, define a new function named changeBackground
    • function keyword
    • Function name (changeBackground)
    • Parentheses (())
    • Curly brackets ({})
  3. Open up the index.html file for editing
  4. Set the onclick attribute of the <button> element to call the changeBackground function

At this point, the code in the changeBackground function should run every time the button on the page is clicked!

Part 3 - Changing the Background Color

Now that the button is hooked up, it should actually change the background color based on what is in the text box!

Getting the Color from the Input

The first step is to pull the color from the text box <input /> element.

  1. Open the script.js file for editing
  2. In the body of the changeBackground function, create a new variable named colorInput
  3. Set the value of colorInput using document.querySelector to select the HTML <input />
    • document.querySelector("")
    • id selector within the quotes (#color-input)
  4. Under the colorInput variable, create a new variable named colorValue
  5. Set the value of colorValue using .value to get the actual text value from the colorInput element

Now, the value entered into the text box should be stored in the colorValue variable.

Setting the Background Color to the New Color

Next, it's time to use that color value to set the background of the page. Use this line of code, in the body of the changeBackground function: = colorValue;

Test out the button with a few different colors in the input, and verify that the background color changes!

Part 4 - Listing Previous Colors

Whenever the background color changes, the web page should keep track of the new color and display a running list to the user.

Getting the Container <div>

There is a <div> element meant to contain the list of previous colors. Start by storing that element in a variable.

  1. At the bottom of the changeBackground function, create a new variable named colorListDiv
  2. Set the value of colorListDiv using document.querySelector to select the HTML <div>
    • document.querySelector("")
    • id selector within the quotes (the id is color-list)

Now, the container should be available in the body of the changeBackground function.

Creating a New <p> Element

Now that the <div> has been stored, it will be necessary to create something to add to it!

  1. Underneath the colorListDiv variable, create a new variable named newColorPara
  2. Set the value of newColorPara: use document.createElement to create a new p paragraph
    • document.createElement("")
    • Tag name within the quotes (p)
  3. Under the variable creation, use .textContent to set the text value of newColorPara
    • Variable name
    • .textContent
    • Set the value to the color the user entered (stored in the colorValue variable)

Now, the new paragraph element has been created and fully formed!

Appending the New <p> Element to the Container <div>

So the new <p> element exists, but it should not appear yet... it must be appended to another element!

At the bottom of the changeBackground function, use .appendChild to add newColorPara as a child of colorListDiv:

  • Parent element variable (container)
  • .appendChild()
  • Child element variable (new paragraph) within the parentheses

After these changes, try running the program. Enter some colors, click the button a few times, and verify that the background changes and the list populates with each new color!


After this activity, there are some challenges to attempt:

results matching ""

    No results matching ""