Self-Paced Work: Final Project

Even though the semester has only just begun, it's time to start building your final project!


At this point, the most important thing is to come up with a good idea for your project. Don't worry - you can always change it! We just want to make sure you get a head start building something that means something to you.

Take some time to consider a topic for your website. Think about what content you might want to have - different pages, or pictures, or sections, or text.

Check out the showcase page to see some examples of previous projects - this might help give you some ideas.


You can start by simply filling out text for the opening page of your site! Feel free to copy the About Me project to begin. Try to add some <h2> headers and <p> paragraphs with some basic site information.

Additional Challenges

If you would like to do more with your final project site, or if you would like to explore more possibilities for websites, there are a couple of challenges:

Feel free to complete them in their own projects, or add the functionality to your final project site!

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