HTML Elements Cheatsheet

HTML - html

Surrounds the entire HTML document



Body - body

Represents the content of an HTML document



Header - h1-h6

Represents different sizes of section headings

<h1>I am the biggest header</h1>
<h6>I am the smallest header</h6>

Paragraph - p

Represents a paragraph, usually blocks of text

<p>Normal text</p>

Anchor - a

Creates a hyperlink to another URL that will navigate when clicked


  • href: The URL where the link will navigate
<a href="">Google</a>

Image - img

Embeds an image into a webpage


  • src: The URL of the image


  • Does not require a closing tag
<img src="">

Lists - ul, ol, li

Represents a list of items, rendered as a bulletted or numbered list

<p>Shopping List</p>

    <li>Scramble Eggs</li>
    <li>Add Milk</li>
    <li>Add Cheese</li>

Input - input

Used to create interactive controls for web-based forms


  • type: Determines the appearance of the input


  • text
  • checkbox
  • radio
  • range
  • file

  • name: Used to group inputs together (radio buttons)


  • Does not require a closing tag
<p>Hometown: <input type="text"></p>
<p>Current Resident: <input type="checkbox"></p>
    Under $5,000: <input type="radio" name="income">
    Between $5,000 and $1,000,000: <input type="radio" name="income">
    Over $1,000,000: <input type="radio" name="income">
<p>Satisfaction with Service: <input type="range"></p>
<p>Proof of Identity: <input type="file"></p>

Represents a control that provides a menu of options


Text Area - textarea

Represents a multi-line plain-text editing control


Table - table, tr, th, and td

Represents tabular data: information that is presented in a two-dimensional table comprised of rows and columns of cells containing data


  • border: Gives the table a border and borders for each cell (no value necessary)

Iframe - iframe

Represents a nested browsing context, embedding another HTML page into the current one


  • src: The URL of the page to embed
  • height: The height of the embedded frame (in pixels)
  • width: The width of the embedded frame (in pixels)
<iframe src="" height="500" width="400"></iframe>


Iframes can also be used to embed YouTube videos

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