Challenge: POST Request

First, do some research about HTTP. Learn about the difference between GET requests and POST requests.

In the Movie Search Challenge, HTML forms are used to make a GET request to IMDb. The data from the form is used to search a database. In a POST request, the data from the form is used to update data in a database.

Textify is a website that allows users to post text. The website hosts the posts with unique URLs. Try submitting some text to see what happens.

Viewing the Request with Developer Tools

  1. Go to the homepage in Google Chrome
  2. Enter some text
  3. Press the F12 key to open Developer Tools
  4. Go to the "Network" tab
  5. Make sure the "Preserve log" checkbox is checked
  6. Click the "PUBLISH" button on, and view the requests in the "Network" tab
  7. Click on the "do.php" request to see more information about the request - specifically the "Form Data" section

Building a New Form

Create a new HTML page with a form similar to the page. Make the form POST to the website!

results matching ""

    No results matching ""