Additional Challenges

Create a new HTML file and a new CSS file. Fill out the basic tags in the HTML file, and link the CSS file. Then, complete the following challenges. Each challenge should appear in its own section, surrounded by a div.

Circle Square

Create a square that slowly turns into a circle when the user clicks on it.


  • Create a div element in the HTML file
    • Make sure to give it an id attribute so we can select it in CSS
  • In the CSS file, select the div
  • In the ruleset for the div, give it a height, width, and background color
    • To make a square, the height and width should be equal


  • In the CSS file, select the div in its active state (use :active)
  • When the div is active, we want it to appear as a circle (use border-radius)
  • Finally, to make this happen slowly, use the transition property

Text Emphasis

Create a paragraph that slowly turns red and enlarges when the user hovers over it


  • Create a p element in the HTML file
  • In the CSS file, select the p
    • Give it a font size and a color other than red

Hovered Paragraph

  • In the CSS file, select the p in its hovered state (use :hover)
  • When the p is hovered over, make it to become larger and change colors
  • Make it transition to these new styles in half a second
  • It should also take half a second to transition back to its original state

Scrapbook - Rotated Images

Create a scrapbook-like section of the webpage with at least three images. The images should all be rotated slightly, either to the left or to the right.


  • Add three img elements to the webpage.
    • Ensure that each image has an id
    • Each image should also be made to be 200px tall and 200px wide


  • Use the transform property to rotate each image in a different way
  • The images should still be right-side up, just slightly rotated
  • At least one image should lean to the right, and at least one should lean to the left

Enlarged image on hover

  • Select all images on hover
  • In the hover state, make them 300px tall and 300px wide
  • It should take .2 seconds to transition between these styles

W3Schools Exercises

More transition options

Read this w3schools article about transitions:

This article introduces some additional properties we can specify for transitions. After reading the article, complete the exercises at the bottom.

More transform options

Read this w3schools article about transforms:

This article introduces some additional ways we can use the transform property. After reading the article, complete the exercises at the bottom.

More CSS

Click here to see even more of what's possible with CSS.


If you complete all of the exercises above, you're free to do whatever you want with transitions and transforms. Create a new file, and make a work of art!

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