CSS Cheatsheet


A ruleset is how CSS applies styles to specific elements. To define a ruleset, use:

  • A selector
  • Opening curly bracket ({)
  • A set of declarations
  • Closing curly bracket (})


p {
    color: red;
    font-size: 20px;


A declaration is a specific CSS property set to a property value. To define a declaration, use:

  • Property name
  • Colon (:)
  • Property value
  • Semi-colon (;)


color: red;


A selector specifies which part of the HTML to style.

Element selector

The element selector selects all elements of the given type. Use the tag type that appears in the HTML.


p {
    /* styles all paragraphs */

a {
    /* styles all hyperlinks */

ID selector

The ID selector selects one specific HTML element based on its id attribute value. Use the hashtag (#) followed by the value of the id attribute for the element.


<h1 id="header1">Header1</h1>


#header1 {
    /* styles the specific h1 */

Class selector

The class selector selects HTML elements based on the value of their class attribute. Use the dot (.) followed by the value of the class attribute.


<h2 class="dark-mode">Title</h2>
<p class="dark-mode">Subtitle</p>


.dark-mode {
    /* styles the h2 and p and any other element with "dark-mode" as a class */


A pseudo-class selects an HTML element in a particular state. Use a normal selector, followed by a colon (:) and the name of the pseudo-class.


p:hover {
    /* selects all paragraphs when the user hovers over them */


A property is an identifier that defines which feature to style. A value describes the specific style for the property. Refer to https://htmldog.com/references/css/properties/ to see a complete list of available properties.


* {
    background-color: black; /* changes the background color */
    border: 1px solid red; /* adds a solid red border with 1px width */
    box-shadow: -2px 2px 5px black; /* adds a black shadow with 5px blur, 2px to the left and 2px down */
    cursor: pointer; /* makes the cursor into a hand */
    font-family: cursive; /* sets the font to comic sans */
    font-size: 20px; /* sets the size of the text to 20px */
    height: 500px; /* sets the height to 500px */
    width: 500px; /* sets the width to 500px */
    transition: color 1s; /* specifies that when this element changes its color property, it will take one second */
    transform: rotate(90deg); /* specifies that this element should rotate 90 degrees */


Bootstrap is a CSS framework designed to make a webpage responsive out-of-the-box. This means it should look good on any device, so the elements automatically morph and shift based upon the viewer window.

Include the following link within the <head></head> element to import Bootstrap's CSS:

<link href="https://stackpath.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/4.3.1/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet">

Bootstrap classes

Bootstrap CSS comes with many built-in class rulesets. Add these to elements on an HTML page after importing the Bootstrap stylesheet and the styles will apply automatically.

  • jumbotron: creates a big banner header from a div
  • text-center: centers text
  • container: adds space on the sides of a div
  • row: creates a grid row (usually used on a div within a "container")
  • col-md-*: creates a grid column (used on divs within "row"s)

Bootstrap columns

When creating columns within a Bootstrap row, there are 12 total units for width. These 12 units are distributed equally throughout the width of the row. A column can take up any number of these 12 units, but all columns in the row should add up to 12 total units. To set the width on a Bootstrap column within a row, add a class of col-md-*, replacing "*" with the number (1-12) of single columns for the width.

Bootstrap columns

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