Pizza Website: Follow-Along Activity

Alfredo's Pizza Cafe has some great pizza, but unfortunately their technological prowess is not so great. They need your help to create their website! They want to provide some information about their restaurants, along with an order form so customers can order pies online. Start from this empty Glitch, and then follow the instructions below.


  1. Open up the index.html file
  2. Add the html tags (opening and closing)
  3. Add the body tags within the html tags

Adding the Basics

  1. Add an h1 header that says "Alfredo's Pizza Cafe" within the body
  2. Under the h1, add an img of the pizza (set the src attribute to "")
  3. Under the img, add a p that says "WE'RE NOT FINE DINING; WE'RE JUST FINE FOOD!"
    • Note that this is the actual slogan of the actual Alfredo's Pizza Cafe
  4. Open your webpage in a browser and make sure it appears as expected!

At the end of this section, your code should look like this:

        <h1>Alfredo's Pizza Cafe</h1>
        <img src="">

Adding a List of Locations

  1. Add an h2 header under the p that says "Locations"
  2. Under the h2, add a new ul (unordered list)
  3. Within the ul, add some locations within li elements
    • Note that the li elements are children of the ul element
  4. Open your webpage in a browser and make sure it appears as expected!

At the end of this section, your code should look like this:

        <h1>Alfredo's Pizza Cafe</h1>
        <img src="">
            <li>Scranton, PA</li>
            <li>Albany, NY</li>
            <li>Utica, NY</li>

Adding the Order Form

The website has information now, but we still need to add in an order form! Start by adding an h2 header that says "Order Form" underneath the locations list. Then, follow the steps below to add some fields to the form.

Pizza Size

For pizza size, the user should be able to select from a dropdown of available sizes.

  1. Under the "Order Form" h2, add an h3 that says "Pizza Size"
    • This will serve as a label for our field
  2. Create a select element under the "Pizza Size" h3
  3. Within the select, add some pizza sizes within option elements
    • Note that the option elements are children of the select element
  4. Open your webpage in a browser and make sure it appears as expected!

Your code for this section should look like this:

<h3>Pizza Size</h3>


For toppings, the user should be able to select whichever combination they choose using checkboxes.

  1. Under the Pizza Size select, add an h3 that says "Toppings"
  2. Under the h3, add a new p paragraph
  3. Inside the p, add an input element with the type attribute set to "checkbox"
  4. Next to the input element (still within the p), add the text "Pepperoni"
  5. Repeat the above steps to add three additional topping p elements, each with a checkbox and text
  6. Open your webpage in a browser and make sure it appears as expected!

Your code for this section should look like this:

<p><input type="checkbox"> Pepperoni</p>
<p><input type="checkbox"> Sausage</p>
<p><input type="checkbox"> Mushrooms</p>
<p><input type="checkbox"> Black Olives</p>

Name, Address, and Submit

Lastly, the user should be able to enter their name and address so Alfredo knows where to send the pizza! They will also need a submit button.

  1. Under the toppings, add an h3 that says "Name"
  2. Under the Name h3, add a new input with the type attribute set to "text"
  3. Under the name input, add an h3 that says "Address"
  4. Under the Address h3, add a new textarea element
  5. Under the address textarea, add a new p element
  6. Within the p element, add a new input element with the type attribute set to "submit"
  7. Open your webpage in a browser and make sure it appears as expected!

Your code for this section should look like this:

<input type="text">
<p><input type="submit"></p>

That's it! Your website has some information about the website, and a form the user can submit.

Final HTML

        <h1>Alfredo's Pizza Cafe</h1>
        <img src="">
            <li>Scranton, PA</li>
            <li>Albany, NY</li>
            <li>Utica, NY</li>
        <h2>Order Form</h2>
        <h3>Pizza Size</h3>
        <p><input type="checkbox"> Pepperoni</p>
        <p><input type="checkbox"> Sausage</p>
        <p><input type="checkbox"> Mushrooms</p>
        <p><input type="checkbox"> Black Olives</p>
        <input type="text">
        <p><input type="submit"></p>

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