Challenge: Spinning square loading indicator

Create an animation of a square rotating, and moving around a square path as it rotates. The animation should repeat infinitely on page load.


  • Add a div element to the HTML (make sure it has an id!)
    • This div will contain our square
  • Inside the div, add another div (make sure it has an id!)
  • Give the div a height, width, and background-color
    • This div is our square

Rotation Animation

First, we want to get the square to rotate inifinitely. To do this, we need to use animation!

  • Create a new @keyframes called "rotation"
    • There should be two frames within this rule: from and to
    • For from, set the transform property to rotate 0 degrees
    • For to, set the transform property to rotate 360 degrees (a full circle)
  • In the ruleset for the square div, set the animation property
    • It should take four seconds to rotate fully
    • It should rotate infinitely
    • It should animate in a linear fashion
    • The animation should be "rotation"

Once that's all complete, your square should spin around forever!

Moving the Square

Now that we have the square rotating, we want to move it around the page in a square path.

  • Create a new @keyframes called "spin"
    • There should be four frames within this rule: 0%, 25%, 50%, and 75%
    • Each frame should place the square in one corner using the transform property and the translate function
    • 0%: (0, 0)
    • 25%: (100, 0)
    • 50%: (100, 100)
    • 75%: (0, 100)
  • In the ruleset for the div that contains the square, set the animation property
    • It should take four seconds to complete one full spin
    • It should keep orbiting infinitely
    • It should animate in a linear fashion
    • The animation should be "spin"

Now, your square should rotate AND spin around!


Mess around with the values used by the animations. Make the square spin around in a different shape (e.g., triangle), change colors, or rotate differently. Try to make the most interesting loading indicator you can make!

More Animation Options

Read this w3schools article about animations:

This article introduces some additional properties we can specify for animations. After reading the article, complete the exercises at the bottom.

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