Self-Paced Work: Pixel Updates

Update the grid with some different artwork.

Part 1 - Red PAC-MAN

Instead of yellow, make PAC-MAN red!

  1. Change the name of the yellow class to red
    • Change the class attribute value for each yellow <div> in the HTML
    • Change the .yellow ruleset so that it points to elements with a class of red
  2. Change the background color from gold to red for those cells

Part 2 - Smaller PAC-MAN

Make updates so that each pixel in the grid is 50x50 instead of 100x100.

  1. Set the width and the height of the main <div> to 200px instead of 400px
    • This is in the #main ruleset
  2. Set the height of each cell to 50px instead of 100px
    • This is in the .cell ruleset

Part 3 - Make Your Own Sprite

Instead of PAC-MAN, create a totally different 4x4 pixel art character! Feel free to copy one of the designs from here.

For a good starting point, try recreating one of the Tetris blocks:

  1. Open the style.css file for editing
  2. Under the existing contents, create a new class ruleset for each color used in the sprite
    • For example, in the long Tetris block, there could be a .green selector
  3. In each color ruleset, set the background color to the appropriate color
    • Property: background
    • Value: color for the cell
  4. In the HTML file, add an appropriate color class to each <div>
    • For example, in the long Tetris block, the third cell in each row could have the green class

Challenge - Make a 5x5 Sprite

It's hard to represent a character in only 32 cells. Instead of using a 4x4 grid, update the code so that it's 5x5. Then, create a new 5x5 sprite using the extra space!

  1. Open the style.css file for editing
  2. Update the #main ruleset to have a height and width of 250px
  3. In the .horizontal rule, update the grid template columns to specify 5 columns instead of 4
  4. Open the index.html file for editing
  5. Add an additional "cell" <div> to each existing "row" <div>
    • Each new "cell" <div> should have a class attribute with value cell
  6. Add an additional "row" <div> as a child of the <div id="main">
    • The "row" <div> should have a class attribute with the value horizontal
  7. Within the new "row" <div>, add 5 "cell" <div> elements as its children
  8. Update all the classes for the cells to reflect the new sprite
  9. Try to create a new 5x5 character!

Theoretically, this grid could be as big as is desired... try to make it fit whatever size makes the most sense!

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