Self-Paced Work: Dog Fetcher Updates

Follow these instructions to make some updates to the Dog Fetcher website.

🐦 Birds & Cats 🐈

Dogs are cool. Dogs are really cool. But it might be even cooler to show images of other animals too! Luckily, has APIs for birds and cats in addition to dogs! Incorporate these into the Dog Fetcher site.

Basic Challenge: Replace

The simple way to do this would be to replace the shibes URL with one that points to either birds or cats. Basically, the base URL should look something like this instead:

Update the URL in the fetch call to grab images of a different kind of animal. Then, update all the HTML to reflect the new type of animal!

Advanced Challenge: Select

The more complex, but more rewarding, version of this challenge is to allow the user to select what type of animal they want to see. Dynamically update the URL based on whatever they want! Follow these steps:


Make these updates in the index.html file:

  1. Change everywhere it says "dogs" to say "animals" instead
  2. Right under the <h1>, add a new <p>
  3. In the <p>, create a <span> asking "What animal would you like to see?"
  4. Under the <span>, add a <select> element
  5. In the <select> element, add <option> elements for all of these:
    • Shibes
    • Birds
    • Cats
  6. Add an id attribute to the <select> so it is identifiable in JavaScript
  7. Add value attributes to each <option> so they can be retrieved


Make these updates in the script.js file:

  1. Update all places where it says "dogs" to say "animals" instead, to match the HTML
  2. Get the selected animal option in the body of the function
  3. In the fetch call URL, replace the shibes with the interpolated value from the selected option value

New Dog Breeds

Currently, the website only shows shiba inu dogs. This is a good thing, but some people might want other types of dogs as well. Luckily, this is possible... but it required the use of a different API.

The Dog CEO Dog API

Head over to the Dog API page to see how to get random dogs of a variety of breeds! This is very similar to the API, but it is a little different:

  • The base URL is
  • There is no count query parameter
  • Instead of an array, The response is a JSON object with a "message" property
  • Only one dog image is returned

Update the code to use this new API instead of the API!

More Customization

Another benefit of the Dog API is that it is actually possible to specify a breed in the request. There are a number of ways to work with this data.

Choose a few different breeds, and allow the user to select which dog breed they would like to see.

EXTRA CHALLENGE: Locking Pictures

This is fun, but removing all the pictures every time new ones are retrieved is kind of sad. Figure out a way to keep around some of the <img> elements every time new images are grabbed! It should be possible for the user to select which pictures they would like to keep; all other pictures should be removed.

Note: This challenge may be quite difficult.

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