Code-Along: Food Picker

In this code-along, create a website to help visitors decide which food they should eat!

Setting Up

Click here to go to the Food Picker Start project.

  1. Remix the project
  2. Run the project
  3. Click the "Get Food" button
  4. Realize that nothing is happening
  5. Panic
  6. Realize that these instructions will show how to make the button work
  7. Feel a wave of relief wash over you

Hooking Up the Button

The first step is to add basic functionality to the button.

  1. Open the index.html file
  2. Notice the <button> has an onclick that calls the getFood function
    • But it has yet to be defined!
  3. Open the script.js file for editing
  4. Scroll down to the "Add New Code Below" comment
  5. Make a new line under the comment
  6. Define a function named getFood
  7. In the body of the function, add an alert that says "Calculating"

Run the project again, click the button, and verify that the pop-up message appears! The code should look something like this:

function getFood() {

Getting a Random Item

Next, find a random item. There are a few things to notice in the existing code:

  • The items array contains various food objects, that all contain some properties
  • The getRandomInt function will return a random integer between 0 and the max

The code will have to find a random item using the existing code.

  1. Make a new line in the body of the getFood function
  2. Create a new variable named randomItemIndex
  3. Set randomItemIndex to be a call to getRandomInt
  4. Pass in items.length to the getRandomInt call
  5. Under that, create a new variable named item
  6. Set item to be the value from the items array at the randomItemIndex index

The code should look something like this:

  let randomItemIndex = getRandomInt(items.length);
  let item = items[randomItemIndex];

This will not change the functionality of the button yet, but now we have a random item!

Displaying the Random Item Name

Now it is time to display the item information.

  1. Open the index.html file
  2. Notice there is a <p> element with an id of food-name
    • This can store the name of the random food item!
  3. Open the script.js file for editing
  4. Make a new line in the body of the getFood function
  5. Create a new variable named foodNameElement
  6. Set foodNameElement to select the <p id="food-name"> element
    • Using document.querySelector
  7. Under that, create a new variable named foodNameText
  8. Set foodNameText to be ITEM (STORE)
  9. Make the string into a template literal
  10. In the literal, replace ITEM with ${}
    • This gets the name property of the item object
  11. In the literal, replace STORE with {$}
    • This gets the store property of the item object
  12. Set the textContent property of foodNameElement to foodNameText
    • This sets the actual element text so it will appear on the page

Run the project, click the button, and verify that a random food item name is properly displayed! The additional code should look something like this:

let foodNameElement = document.querySelector("#food-name");
let foodNameText = `${} (${})`;
foodNameElement.textContent = foodNameText;

Displaying the Random Item Picture

The name is good, but it would be much more appetizing with a picture. Luckily, there are some pictures accessible via URL.

  1. Open the index.html file
  2. Notice there is a <p> element with an id of food-pic
    • This can store the name of the random item picture!
  3. Open the script.js file for editing
  4. Make a new line in the body of the getFood function
  5. Create a new variable named foodPictureElement
  6. Set foodPictureElement to select the <p id="food-pic"> element
    • Using document.querySelector
  7. Under that, create a new variable named foodPictureUrl
  8. Set foodPictureUrl to be
  9. Make the string into a template literal
  10. In the literal, replace URL with ${item.picture}
    • This gets the picture property of the item object
  11. Set the src property of foodPictureElement to foodPictureUrl
    • This sets the actual image URL so that it displays on the page

Run the project, click the button, and verify that a random food item picture is properly displayed! The additional code should look something like this:

let foodPictureElement = document.querySelector("#food-pic");
let foodPictureUrl = `${item.picture}`;
foodPictureElement.src = foodPictureUrl;

Creating a Greek Salad Object

The page should now be fully functional! All that's left is adding some additional food items. Start by creating a new object for a greek salad from Panera.

  1. Make a new line at the bottom of the script.js file
    • Make sure it's outside of the getFood function (after the })
  2. There, create a new variable named greekSalad
  3. Set greekSalad to be a new empty object with { and }
    • Press Enter to automatically add space between
  4. In the object, create a store property set to "Panera"
    • Property name, colon, property value, comma
  5. Under that in the object, create two more properties:
    • price set to 10
    • picture set to greeksalad.jpg

The new code should look something like this:

let greekSalad = {
  store: "Panera",
  price: 10,
  picture: "greeksalad.jpg"

It will not change the functionality of the site yet - the item must be added to the items array!

Adding the Greek Salad Object

Now the greekSalad is almost ready, but there are a couple things still needed before it will show up as a food item.

  1. Make a new line at the bottom of the script.js file
  2. There, set the name property of the greekSalad object to be "Greek Salad"
    • This ensures that it has a name for the display!
  3. Under that, push the greekSalad object to the items array

At this point:

  • The name property has been added to the greekSalad object
  • The greekSalad object has been added to the items array

Run the project, click the button a few times, and verify that the Greek Salad eventually appears! Note that it may be helpful to remove the alert statement from the top of the getFood function for usability purposes. The site also runs slowly sometimes, so if the image is not changing, it may be necessary to wait several seconds.

The additional code should look something like this: = "Greek Salad";

Creating and Adding a Mac n Cheese Object

Now it will be possible to add new items in a few different ways! Add a Mac n Cheese item to the menu.

  1. Make a new line at the bottom of the script.js file
  2. There, create a new variable named mac
  3. Set mac to be a new empty object with { and }
    • Press Enter to automatically add space between
  4. In the object, create a store property set to "Panera"
    • Property name, colon, property value, comma
  5. Under that in the object, create a name property set to "Mac n Cheese"
  6. Under that in the object, create a price property set to 7
  7. Under that in the object, create a picture property set to "macncheese.jfif"
    • Note that there is a file with the URL
  8. Under that, outside the object (after }), make a new line
  9. There, push the mac object to the items array

Run the project, click the button a few times, and verify that the Mac n Cheese eventually appears! The additional code should look something like this:

let mac = {
  store: "Panera",
  name: "Mac n Cheese",
  price: 7,
  picture: "macncheese.jfif"


Creating and Adding a Soup Object

It is also possible to add a new item directly without creating a separate variable! Add Soup to the possible Panera food items in this manner.

  1. Make a new line at the bottom of the script.js file
  2. Push a currently empty object to the items array
  3. Add a store property to the pushed object set to "Panera"
  4. Add a name property to the pushed object set to "Soup"
  5. Add a price property to the pushed object set to 6
  6. Add a picture property to the pushed object set to "panerabread.jpg"

Run the project, click the button a few times, and verify that the Soup eventually appears! The additional code should look something like this:

  name: "Soup",
  price: 6,
  picture: "panerabread.jpg"


That's it for the code-along activity! At this point, it should be possible to click the button, and see a variety of different foods appear.

The added code in the script.js file should look something like this:

function getFood() {
  let randomItemIndex = getRandomInt(items.length);
  let item = items[randomItemIndex];

  let foodNameElement = document.querySelector("#food-name");
  let foodNameText = `${} (${})`;
  foodNameElement.textContent = foodNameText;

  let foodPictureElement = document.querySelector("#food-pic");
  let foodPictureUrl = `${item.picture}`;
  foodPictureElement.src = foodPictureUrl;

let greekSalad = {
  store: "Panera",
  price: 10,
  picture: "greeksalad.jpg"
}; = "Greek Salad";

let mac = {
  store: "Panera",
  name: "Mac n Cheese",
  price: 7,
  picture: "macncheese.jfif"


  store: "Panera",
  name: "Soup",
  price: 6,
  picture: "panerabread.jpg"

Next Steps

Click here to view the self-paced work instructions.

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