Self-Paced Work

Follow these instructions to update the Food Picker website.

New Items

Feel free to add any new items desired! At minimum, add one new item for each existing restaurant:

Restaurant Item Name Price Picture
McDonald's McPlant 10.99 mcplant.jpg
Chipotle Chips 5.00 chips.png
Taco Bell Cheesy Roll Up 1.00 cheesyroll.jpg
Panera Bagel 4.50 bagel.jpg

Feel free to add these items directly when the items array is created, or add them in the way the Panera items were added. Whatever works!

Make sure it is possible to click the button and see all items appear.

New Restaurant: Arby's

Next, add an entirely new restaurant. This can be done in the same way that Panera was added, or added wholesale to the items array.




Item Name Price Picture
Combo 2.99 combo.jpg
Curly Fries 4.09 curlyfries.png
Roast Beef 2.00 roastbeef.jpg

Price Display

There is a price property stored with every object in the items array, but it is currently not being used at all! Display a price along with each item name and picture.

HTML: Price Paragraph

Add a new <p></p> element to the page to store the price.

  1. Open the index.html file for editing
  2. Find the <p id="food-name"></p>
  3. Make a new line, and create a new <p></p> element
  4. Set the id of the new <p> to be food-price

Now the HTMl should be ready to go...

JavaScript: Setting the Food Price

Next, update the value of the <p id="food-price> element with the proper price.

  1. Open the script.js file for editing
  2. Make a new line at the bottom of the getFood function body
  3. There, create a new variable named foodPriceElement
  4. Set foodPriceElement to select the <p id="food-price"> element
    • Using document.querySelector
  5. Under that, create a new variable named foodPriceText
  6. Set foodPriceText to be Price: $PRICE
  7. Make the string into a template literal
  8. In the literal, replace PRICE with ${item.price}
    • This gets the price property of the item object
    • Make sure to keep the original "$" in front of the price
  9. Set the textContent property of foodPriceElement to foodPriceText
    • This sets the actual element text so it will appear on the page

At this point, run the project, click the button, and verify that the proper prices appear!

Always New

Currently, when generating a random food item, it is possible to choose the same item. Fix this issue so that there is a brand new item every time someone clicks the "Get Food" button.

  1. Open the script.js file for editing
  2. Find the foodNameText variable creation
  3. Under that, create an if statement
  4. For the conditional, check if foodNameText is equal to foodNameElement.textContent
  5. In the body of the if, call the getFood function
  6. Under that, still in the body, return from the function

Run the project, click the button a few times, and verify that there is always a new item!

CHALLENGE: Restaurant Filter

Currently, the button selects a random restaurant and then a random item. Instead of doing this, ask the user which restaurant they would like to visit, and then choose randomly from that restaurant's items.

HTML: Restaurant Name Input Element

Start by creating a new element in the HTML where the user can enter a restaurant name.

  1. Open the index.html file for editing
  2. Find the opening <p></p> element with the welcome message
  3. Make a new line under that, and create a new <p></p> element
  4. Set the text to say "Enter a restaurant: "
  5. After that, within the <p> and </p>, create an <input> element
  6. Set the id of the <input> to be "restaurant"

Run the project and verify that the text box appears on the page.

JavaScript: Getting the Restaurant Name

Next, select the new <input id="restaurant"> element, and get its value.

  1. Open the script.js file for editing
  2. Make a new line at the top of the getFood function
  3. There, create a new variable named restaurantNameInput
  4. Set restaurantNameInput to select the <input id="restaurant"> element
    • Using document.querySelector
  5. Under that, create a new variable named restaurantName
  6. Set restaurantName to be the value of the restaurantNameInput variable

Now the name is ready to go.

JavaScript: Finding the Items for the Restaurant

Once the name has been retrieved, it will be possible to use it to find the proper object for the restaurant.

  1. Under the restaurantName variable, make a couple new lines in the getFood function
  2. There, create a new variable named restaurantItems set to an empty array []
  3. Next, create a for loop to loop through each element in the items array
    • for
    • Parentheses
    • Curly Brackets
    • Initialization (let i = 0)
    • Condition (i < items.length)
    • Increment (i++)
  4. In the body of the for loop, create an if statement
    • if
    • Parentheses
    • Curly Brackets
  5. For the condition, check if items[i].store is equal to restaurantName
    • This means the current index has an item from the given restaurant
  6. In the body of the if, push the items[i] object to the restaurantItems array

Now the restaurantItems variable should be ready to go! Replace the items references in the code below with restaurantItems to ensure that only items from the given restaurant are available.

Run the project, enter a restaurant name, and click the button. It should only choose food items from that restaurant! It's not perfect, though...

JavaScript: Dealing with Unfound Restaurants

Currently, when entering a restaurant name that is not found, the page should fail. Fix this by handling unfound restaurants.

  1. Under the for loop, create an if statement
    • if
    • Parentheses
    • Curly Brackets
  2. Set the condition to check if restaurantItems.length is 0
  3. In the body of the if, copy the old code that found a random restaurant

Run the project, enter a name that does not exist, and verify that it chooses randomly from all restaurant items!

CHALLENGE: Vegetarian Filter

There may be some vegetarians who visit the site - these people would not like to see any items that contain meat. Update the code so they can select only vegetarian items!

HTML: Vegetarian Only Checkbox

Start by creating a new element in the HTML where the user can check whether they'd like only vegetarian items.

  1. Open the index.html file for editing
  2. Find the <p></p> element with the restaurant name <input>
  3. Make a new line under that, and create a new <p></p> element
  4. Set the text to say "Vegetarian items only? "
  5. After that, within the <p> and </p>, create an <input> element
  6. Set the type of the <input> to be "checkbox"
  7. Set the id of the <input> to be "veg"

Run the project and verify that the checkbox appears on the page.

JavaScript: Getting the Checkbox Value

Now the checkbox is there, but its value must be retrieved.

  1. Open the script.js file for editing
  2. Find the restaurantItems variable declaration
  3. Make a new line above the variable
  4. There, create a new variable named vegetarianCheckbox
  5. Set vegetarianCheckbox to select the <input id="veg"> element
    • Using document.querySelector
  6. Under that, create a new variable named vegOnly
  7. Set vegOnly to be the checked property of the vegetarianCheckbox variable

Now the function knows if non-vegetarian items should be filtered out, but it still does not know which items are vegetarian!

JavaScript: Vegetarian Property

Currently, the item objects do not have a property denoting which items are vegetarian.

Go through each item object, within the restaurants variable and manually add a veg property - it should be set to true of the item can be vegetarian, and false if the item contains meat.

JavaScript: Filtering the List

There is a very helpful filter function that makes it possible to filter arrays based on functions that return booleans. Passing functions as variables and using arrow function syntax are concepts that will be covered later in this course. For now, try to figure out how to use filter even if you don't fully understand it!

  1. Under the restaurantItems variable in the getFood function, make a new line
  2. There, create an if statement
  3. For the condition, check if vegOnly is true
  4. In the body, set the restaurantItems variable to a call to restaurantItems.filter
  5. For the filter call, pass in a function checking if an item has a veg property set to true
    • item => item.veg

Run the project, check the box, and verify that only vegetarian items appear!

results matching ""

    No results matching ""