Warm-Up: Function Game

In JavaScript, functions are a way to run a piece of code on-demand. Parameters are used as function input, and returns are used to give back an output. In math, the concept of functions is similar - often, math functions take some sort of input, and produce an output. In this warm-up, play a math-inspired function game to practice using input and output.

Function Game

Click here to play the Function game.

The goal is to use the proper function to match the input bubbles to the bubbles on the field already. Good luck!

BONUS: Hack the Game

As it is, the game is setup to automatically stop working after three minutes. If this happens, you'll lose all your progress! Luckily, there is a way to hack it so that you can keep playing indefinitely 🐱‍💻😎

The hacking code looks like this:

Play.showLoggedOutMessage = () => { console.log("HEY!") };

Here's what you should do:

  1. Reload the page
  2. Open the JavaScript console (in Chrome with Ctrl+Shift+J)
  3. Copy the code from above into the prompt, and press Enter
  4. Continue playing the game
  5. When HEY! is logged, that means you're past the timebox!

Essentially, what this code does is overrides the showLoggedOutMessage function so that, instead of ending the game and showing the "Please give us money" screen, it simply logs a message in the console. Just make sure to use your hacking powers for good, please 😇

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