
Try to complete these challenges that deal with a playlist website.

Start by remixing this project. Then, try to update the site in a variety of ways! Feel free to hop around whichever challenges interest you the most.

Challenge 1 - Updating the Picture

The jumbotron header has a background image, but it might not be something you like. Find another picture online, and update the background-image property in the style.css file!

Challenge 2 - Updating the Colors

The colors are designed to match the background image of the jumbotron. Update any of the colors in the style.css file to match your own personal taste!

Challenge 3 - Updating the Songs

There are currently six songs in the playlist. Update some of these songs so that they reflect your favorite songs! This should take place in the script.js file.

Note that the string values in the songs array are formatted in a specific way: "Song Title|Artist". Make sure your new songs fit that format, with the song title first, then a pipe character (|), then the song artist.

Try to modify the songs array without changing the first line of the script.js file! Use .push, or songs[1] = "Soemthing|Else", to change the values in the array.

Challenge 4 - No More "Fill Playlist" Button

Currently, it is necessary to click the "Fill Playlist" button in order to add songs to the playlist. Fix this so that the songs are added automatically when the page loads! This is possible by using the <script> defer attribute to make sure the JavaScript code runs after the HTML has been parsed.

  1. Open the index.html file for editing
  2. Add a defer attribute to the <script> element
  3. Open the script.js file for editing
  4. Make a new line at the very bottom, under the fillPlaylist function
  5. Call the fillPlaylist function directly

Reload the page, and the songs should appear automatically without having to click a button!

Challenge 5 - Album Column

Currently, the songs array stores two pieces of information for each song - the song title, and the song artist. Update the songs array so that each string contains an album as well, and then modify the code so that it displays an album column!

Review some of these resources to learn more:

Then, try to apply those concepts:

  1. Open the script.js file for editing
  2. In the songs array, modify each string by adding a | to the end
  3. After each new |, add an album title (feel free to make stuff up)
  4. Within the fillPlaylist function, in the for loop body, find where the currentSong.split happens
  5. To the left of that, add album to the title and artist variables being set
  6. Update the column sizes for title and artist
    • Change "col-sm-5" to "col-sm-4" for both
  7. Create another HTML <div> element for the album title
  8. Add "col-sm-2" to its classList
  9. Set its textContent to the album variable set above
  10. Append the created album <div> to the songRow element

Run the project, and see the albums show up in the list!

Challenge 6 - Playing Actual Songs

The most hardest part of this challenge may be finding audio files, so do not worry too much about that. The more technical challenges may also be difficult!

Function for the Play Buttons

It will be beneficial to learn more about anonymous functions to accomplish this. Basically, it is possible to pass around JavaScript functions as objects, and they do not need names. This allows custom, dynamic functionality to be applied at different points in the code. Here's a brief example:

let myNamelessFunction = function () {
  alert("This is a function");

  1. Open the script.js file for editing
  2. In the body of the fillPlaylist function, within the for loop, find where the playBtn variable is set
  3. Set the onclick of the playBtn to be a new anonymous function
  4. In the body of the anonymous function, use an alert to display a pop-up with the title of the current song title

Run the code at this point to make sure each play button is hooked up!

Playing Audio

The next step will be to actually play some audio. You will want to find some audio file links. Once you have done that, you can play them! It looks something like this:

let audio = new Audio("");;

You can adjust the files so that each file matches the song title... for example, if the song title is "Baba O'Riley", the file should be called Baba O'Riley.mp3. That way, you can get the filename from the title like so:

let filename = `${title}.mp3`;

It should then be possible to play it! Try it out and see if you can get it working.

Challenge 7 - Adding and Deleting Songs

Update this website so that it has more of the functionality from the Movie Watchlist!

  1. Create a button that allows a user to add a song to the end of the list
  2. Next to each item in the list, create a button that allows the user to remove that item from the list

This may be quite challenging, but it is definitely possible 😁

Challenge 8 - Saving the List with localStorage

Similar to the challenge from the Self-Paced Work, try to use localStorage to store the songs array so it persists! This challenge only makes sense if the challenge above has been completed.

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