Final Project

This project is the culmination of everything you have learned over the course of this semester! Let's put it to some use and build something neat!


You aren't limited in what you can create here, but make sure your final project does the following things:

  • Connect to one (or more!) APIs to retrieve some sort of data
    • Handle errors gracefully - sometimes APIs break!
  • Do something transformative with the data, don't just make a request and show the information exactly as-is.
  • Modify your webpage on the fly with the resulting information, to show the end user.

Some random ideas

Note that you can create whatever you want that meets the requirements! If you are REALLY stuck, here are a few examples:

  • A "mood music" site that gets song recommendations based on the current weather and time of day
  • A sports match predictor that gets the last game results to guess the outcome of the next game/match
  • A random comic strip generator that gets multiple images and overlays text to make a setup and a punchline
  • A virtual "game show" built with Trivia APIs that keeps your score over several rounds


We will be showing off Final Projects on the last day of class, be prepared to give a short demonstration of your project and spend a few minutes answering questions.

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