Self-Paced Work: Quiz Updates

Make some updates to your personal quiz website!

1. More Custom Questions

Fill out your quiz with more questions about yourself! Add as many as you can, and make sure to update the numQuestions variable so the final score calculation is accurate.

2. HTML & CSS Updates

Currently, the webpage really only serves as a way to start the quiz. Make it your own by adding information, updating the color scheme, and anything else you'd like to do!

3. Multiple Choice Questions

The fill-in-the-blank style of the questions is a little easier to program, but it makes the questions much harder. Update the questions so that they show a list of possible answers! A question could look something like this:

Where do I live?

A) Kanto
B) Banto
C) Ranto
D) Flanto

The user could then enter A or a, so the answer variable could be checked against that.

4. Different Images

Stars are cool, but you might be able to find something better. Search the internet for an appropriate victory icon, and replace the image url in the JavaScript with the new URL!

5. (BUG) Extra Stars

Currently, if a player completes the quiz more than once, all the additional stars are appended to the page - they are never removed! Figure out how to remove the star <img> elements whenever the quiz starts, so that the number of stars will always match the number of correct answers.

6. (CHALLENGE) Fully DOM Quiz

The alert and prompt statements are functional, but they might not be the optimal user experience. Get rid of all alert and prompt statements in the startQuiz function, and replace them with HTML elements!

For example, for the first question, you could add HTML like this:

<p>What is my name?</p>
<p><input id="answer1"></p>

Then, instead of setting the answer1 variable based on a prompt, you could grab the value from the <input id="answer1"> like this:

let answer1Input = document.querySelector("#answer1");
let answer1 = answer1Input.value;

From there, the answer1 variable could be used in the same way.

DOM Dropdowns or Radio Buttons

Another option would be to use <select> dropdowns or <input type="radio"> buttons for a multiple choice quiz.

The code may need a little more updating, but the user experience will be excellent!

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