Self-Paced Work: Funktional Functions Updates

Follow these instructions to update the Funktional Functions website.

New Cycle Speed

Currently, when the color cycle is running, it changes colors once every 250 milliseconds. Update this to make it a little less hectic - try 500 milliseconds instead.

New Colors

Currently, there are only six colors for the filter. Add a few more colors to randomly cycle.

Note: to make the filter stronger or weaker, check the .filter ruleset in the style.css file, and update the opacity value.

Play/Pause Button

Currently, the button text for the "🎸 ⏯" button is always the same. However, to make it more dynamic, update the code so that it changes the button text based on whether or not the music is playing. If the music is playing, it should display ⏸. If the music is not playing, it should display ▶.

  1. Open the script.js file for editing
  2. Find the playBass function
  3. In the body of the if, under, make a new line
  4. There, set playPauseBassButton.textContent to "🎸 ⏸"
  5. In the body of the else, under bassAudio.pause(), make a new line
  6. There, set playPauseBassButton.textContent to "🎸 ▶"

Run the program, click the button, and make sure the play and pause symbols show up appropriately!

Display Current Filter Color

As of now, the filter color changes, but a visitor to the site might not know what the current color actually is. Add a piece of code to display the current color of the background filter.

HTML: A New Paragraph

Start by adding a new <p> element in the HTML.

  1. Open the index.html file for editing
  2. Make a new line under the <h1></h1>
  3. There, add a new <p></p> element
  4. Set the id of the <p> to be "filter-color"

JS: Setting the Paragraph Text

Next, update the <p> element text every time the filter color changes.

  1. Open the script.js file for editing
  2. Make a new line under the backgroundFilterDiv variable initialization
  3. There, create a new variable named filterColorParagraph
  4. Set filterColorParagraph to a call to document.querySelector
  5. Pass in "#filter-color" to store the proper <p> element in the variable
  6. Make a new line at the bottom of the randomBgFilter function
  7. There, set filterColorParagraph.textContent to be randomColor

Run the program, start the cycle, and verify that the current filter color appears on the page!

Easter Egg: Header Click

Add a secret way to change the background image - when a site visitor clicks the "FUNKTIONAL FUNCTIONS" header, a new picture should appear!

  1. Open the script.js file for editing
  2. Make a new line at the bottom of the file
  3. There, Define a new function named slyBackground
    • function keyword
    • Function name (slyBackground)
    • Parentheses (())
    • Curly brackets ({})
  4. Make a new line in the body of the function (between { and })
  5. There, set to "url('')"
    • This will change the background image of the page
  6. Make a new line under the function definition (after })
  7. There, create a new variable named header
  8. Set header to select the "h1" using document.querySelector
  9. Under that, call header.addEventListener
  10. Pass in "click" and slyBackground to the addEventListener call

Run the program, click the header, and verify that the background changes!

Header Click Music

In addition to changing the background image, start playing a different piece of music when the header is clicked.

  1. Make a new line above the slyBackground function definition
  2. There, create a new variable named danceToTheMusic
    • Set danceToTheMusic to be a new Audio object
    • Set the audio file to be ""
  3. Make a new line in the body of the slyBackground function
  4. There, reate an if/else structure
    • if keyword
    • Parentheses (())
    • Curly brackets ({})
    • else keyword
    • Curly brackets ({})
  5. For the if condition, check if danceToTheMusic.paused
  6. In the body of the if, call the function
  7. In the body of the else, call the danceToTheMusic.pause function

Run the program, click the header again, and verify that the new music can start and stop playing!

Next Steps

Click here for some additional challenges.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""