Challenges: Funk Playlist

Make some updates to a Funk Playlist website.


Click here to access and remix the starter project.

The current website will play six shortened tracks in a playlist format. The play buttons should play the songs, and when a song ends, the site should play the next song in the list. It's functional, but there are some nice features that you can try to add!

New Styles

Update any of the styles to fit whatever vibe you would like to cultivate. Change colors, fonts, pictures, or anything like that.

New Tracks

There are only six tracks right now, which is kind of sad. Go find some additional music to add to the list! The hardest part of this will be to actually find links for audio files - try Bandcamp, Internet Archive, or Soundcloud.


Currently, the music well stop when the playlist ends. Update the code so that instead of ending, it goes back to the start!

As an optional challenge, create a checkbox in the HTML that will determine whether or not to go back to the top.

Now Playing Bar

Currently, the only way to see which track is playing is by which one has the "Stop" symbol. Add an area to the HTML that displays the current song title. It should update dynamically whenever a new song is playing, and it should disappear when no song is playing.

Highlight Row When Playing

As an additional way to indicate a certain track is playing, highlight the associated row in the HTML whenever the song changes. No row should be highlighted when no song is playing.

Double Click Row to Play

Currently, the only way to play a track is to click the play button. Make it possible to play a track by double clicking anywhere on the row instead!


Currently, the songs should play in sequential order. Add an option that will play the tracks in a random order instead!


Currently, it is only possible to stop a track completely. If a song is stopped, it will start over when it is played again (instead of picking up where it left off). Add the ability to pause a track instead of stopping it completely.


Add the ability for a visitor to the site to reorder the playlist to their liking. This challenge will be quite difficult.

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