Video Watchlist Code-Along Activity

Follow the instructions below to create an Express web app that holds a list of video links. These video links should persist on the server by way of the Database.

Getting Started

First, get a basic Node.js app up and running.

  1. Create a new Node.js Repl project
  2. Name it "Video Watchlist"
  3. Create a new file named app.js in the current directory
  4. For test purposes, add a console.log('hello') statement to app.js
  5. Create another new file, this one named .replit
  6. In the .replit file, add run = "node app.js"
  7. Click the "Run" button to run the program, and make sure it works so far

A Basic Express/EJS App

Next, create a basic web server using Express and EJS.

EJS Page

In the Repl project, start by creating a new folder named views. Then, within that folder, create a new file named index.ejs. Open the index.ejs file, and add the following code:

        <h1>Video Watchlist</h1>
        <p>This is a place to store all the videos you want to watch.</p>

App Code - Setup

Now, fill out the basic Express/EJS setup code in the app.js file. Start by removing all existing code from the file, then follow the steps below.

  1. At the top, create a const express variable set to require("express")
  2. Next, create a const ejs variable set to require("ejs")
  3. Under that, create two const variables for hostname and port
    • "" and 8080 respectively
  4. Next, initialize an app variable by calling express()
  5. Under that, use app.set to set the "view engine" to "ejs"
const express = require("express");
const ejs = require("ejs");

const hostname = "";
const port = 8080;

let app = express();
app.set("view engine", "ejs");

App Code - Homepage

Now that the introductory part is complete, it's time to create a homepage.

  1. Define a new function named homePage
  2. Give the function two parameters: request and response
  3. In the body of the function, call response.render and pass in "index"
  4. Under the homePage definition, make some space
  5. Call app.get and pass in "/" and homePage
    • This makes the homePage function run when the root URL is hit
  6. Under that, define the basic listenCallback function
  7. Finally, call app.listen, passing in port, hostname, and listenCallback

Run the program, and verify that the index.ejs code is properly rendered on the homepage!

function homePage(request, response) {

app.get("/", homePage);

function listenCallback() {
    console.log("Server Running");

app.listen(port, hostname, listenCallback);

Adding Videos

Obviously, there are no videos yet. Before viewing videos, add the ability for the user of the site to add videos to the list.

A Form in EJS

First, open the index.ejs file, and add a <form></form> element under the existing <p></p> in the <body></body>. It should look like this:

<form action="/add">
    <p>Add a new video:</p>
    <input type="text" name="link" placeholder="Video Link">
    <input type="text" name="note" placeholder="Video Note">
    <input type="submit">

Notice the following parts of the HTML:

  • The action attribute set to "/add"
    • It will be necessary to create this endpoint in the app.js code
  • The name attributes on the <input> elements
    • These will correspond to the video data in the database

Run the program again, and verify that the form appears on the homepage. Nothing should happen on submit yet... that comes later.

More Setup

To prepare the code to handle someone submitting the form, start with a few more setup steps. Open up the app.js file, and follow the steps in the top section.

  1. Create a const url variable set to require("url")
    • This module will be used to parse form results
  2. Create a const uuid variable set to require("uuid")
    • This module will be used to generate unique IDs
  3. Create a const Database variable set to require("@replit/database")
    • This module will allow the code to connect to the database
  4. Create a new variable named db and set it to new Database()
    • The db variable will be the connection!
const url = require("url");
const uuid = require("uuid");
const Database = require("@replit/database");

let db = new Database();

The /add Endpoint

Now that the database exists, it's time to add some stuff to it. Every time a user submits the form, it should take that data, generate a unique ID for it, and create a new video object in the database.

Note: Using an HTTP GET request to add data is kind of cheating - it should be a POST request, but GET is a little easier to use for now

The addVideo Function - Basics

  1. Under the homePage function definition, create some space
  2. Define a new function named addVideo
  3. Give the addVideo function two parameters: request and response
  4. Make the addVideo function asynchronous by adding async in front of the function keyword

The addVideo Function - Body

  1. In the body of the addVideo function, create a variable named parsedUrl
  2. Set parsedUrl to url.parse(request.url, true)
    • This contains the data from the form
  3. Under that, create a new variable named newKey
  4. Set newKey to "video_" + uuid.v4()
    • This will create a new unique ID prefixed with video_
  5. Next, call the db.set function
  6. Pass in newKey for the first argument
    • This is the unique key for the created movie object
  7. Pass in parsedUrl.query for the second argument
    • This contains all the data from the form: link and note
  8. Add the await keyword in front of the db.set call
    • This makes sure the function will not return until the value has been set
  9. Finally, call response.redirect and pass in "/"

Hooking Up the addVideo Function

  1. Under the addVideo definition, call app.get
  2. Pass in "/add" as the first argument
  3. Pass in addVideo as the second argument

Now, it should actually be possible to add some data to the database! Run the program, and verify that no errors occur when submitting the form. Go to YouTube to find some video links. For testing purposes, it may be beneficial to use console.log in the body of the addVideo function, to make sure the code is running properly.

async function addVideo(request, response) {
    let parsedUrl = url.parse(request.url, true);
    let newKey = "video_" + uuid.v4();
    await db.set(newKey, parsedUrl.query);


app.get("/add", addVideo);

Viewing Videos

Now there may be some videos in the database, but what good are they if no one can see them? Update the homepage so that it displays the list of videos.

Defining the getVideos Function

First, define a function to retrieve data from the database, and put it in a nice manageable format.

  1. Above the homePage function, define a new function named getVideos
  2. Make the getVideos function async
  3. In the body of the function, create a new variable named allVideoKeys
  4. Use db.list to get all keys prefixed with "video_"
    • This will retrieve all the video objects added through addVideo
  5. Add an await before db.list so that the code does not continue until the keys are retrieved
  6. Under that, create a new empty list variable named allVideos
    • This will store the nicely formed video objects
  7. Create a for loop structure looping through allVideoKeys
  8. In the body of the for loop, get the current key as currentKey
  9. Retrieve the value for the current key using await db.get
    • Store that in a variable named video
  10. Set the "id" property of the video object to currentKey
    • This will come in handy later
  11. push the video object to the allVideos list
  12. Outside of the for loop, return the allVideos list

Now, the getVideos should properly retrieve every video in the database! Next up, it's time to use the function.

async function getVideos() {
    let allVideoKeys = await db.list("video_");
    let allVideos = [];

    for (let i = 0; i < allVideoKeys.length; i++) {
        let currentKey = allVideoKeys[i];
        let video = await db.get(currentKey);
        video["id"] = currentKey;


    return allVideos;

Updating the homePage Function

The homePage function should send along some data to the "index" template. This data should be retrieved using the getVideos function!

  1. Find the the homePage function definition
  2. Make the homePage function async
    • This is necessary because it will need to await the getVideos function
  3. At the top of the body of the function, create a variable named allVideos
  4. Set allVideos to await getVideos()
  5. Create a new object named renderData
  6. Set the videos property of renderData to be allVideos
  7. Pass in renderData to the call to response.render

Now, the index.ejs template should have access to all the video data!

async function homePage(request, response) {
    let allVideos = await getVideos();

    let renderData = {
        videos: allVideos

    response.render("index", renderData);

Updating the index.ejs Template

All that's left is to update the index.ejs file so that it can handle the new data it has been given. Open it up and follow the steps below.

  1. Make some space above the <form></form> element in the HTML body
  2. Create a <ul></ul> element
  3. Between the ul tags, create a for loop structure with EJS
    • This should loop through the videos list
    • Make sure to add the { and }
  4. In the body of the for loop, create an li element
  5. In the body of the li element, create an a element
  6. Set the href of the a to point to the current video link
    • <%= videos[i].link %>
  7. Set the content of the a to be the current video note
    • <%= videos[i].note %>
  8. Under the </ul>, create an if statement structure
  9. For the if condition, check if the videos list is empty
  10. In the body of the if, add a p saying no videos have been added

Run the program, and verify that some videos appear! Try adding a few more, and making sure the page updates automatically to view them. This web server is successfully storing data and surfacing it!

    <% for (let i = 0; i < videos.length; i++) { %>
            <a href="<%= videos[i].link %>"><%= videos[i].note %></a>
    <% } %>
<% if (videos.length < 1) { %>
    <p>No videos have been added to the list 😔</p>
<% } %>

Removing Videos

Now, to make the video watchlist functional, add the ability to remove videos. That way, if a user watches a video on their watchlist, they can actually remove it from the list.

The /delete/:id Endpoint in JavaScript

Start by working in the app.js file to create a /delete/:id endpoint.

  1. Under the addVideo function, define a new function named deleteVideo
  2. Make the function async
  3. Give the function two parameters: request and response
  4. Outside the function, nder the other app.get calls, create another one
  5. Pass in /delete/:id and deleteVideo
    • This will call the deleteVideo function whenever the user goes to /delete/<some id>
  6. In the body of the deleteVideo function, create a variable named videoId
  7. Set videoId to be
    • This will be whatever comes after the slash; the :id in /delete/:id
  8. Call db.delete, passing in the videoId variable
  9. Add the await keyword in front of db.delete
  10. Use response.redirect to send the user back to the root: "/"

Try going to a /delete/ url with a valid id appended on the end. The object should disappear from the list!

async function deleteVideo(request, response) {
    let videoId =;
    await db.delete(videoId);


app.get('/delete/:id', deleteVideo);

Now it is possible to directly delete data, but it would be nice if there were a way to do it without having to copy and paste a URL. Follow the instructions below to create a delete link that will appear next to each video. Open the index.ejs file to get started.


First, for simplicity, copy the following code into the above the <html></html> element, above the <body>:

        a.del {
            color: pink;
            text-decoration: none;

        a.del:hover {
            color: red;

This will make things look a little nicer.

Next, add the actual link. For a given video, the link should go to /delete/ with the video's id tacked onto the end.

  1. Find the a within the li in the for loop
  2. Under that, create another a element
  3. Add a class attribute of del (for styling purposes)
  4. In the content for the a, paste in this times character:
  5. Create an href attribute on the a
  6. Set it to "/delete/"
  7. After the slash, add EJS code to get the id of the current video
    • <%= videos[i].id %>

Run the code again, and verify that a little "X" appears next to all the videos! Clicking the "X" should make the video disappear.

<a class="del" href="/delete/<%= videos[i].id %>"></a>

The video watchlist is fully functional!

Final Code


            a.del {
                color: pink;
                text-decoration: none;

            a.del:hover {
                color: red;
        <h1>Video Watchlist</h1>
        <p>This is a place to store all the videos you want to watch.</p>
        <% for (let i = 0; i < videos.length; i++) { %>
                <a href="<%= videos[i].link %>"><%= videos[i].note %></a>
                <a class="del" href="/delete/<%= videos[i].id %>">✕</a>
        <% } %>
    <% if (videos.length < 1) { %>
        <p>No videos have been added to the list 😔</p>
    <% } %>
        <form action="/add">
            <p>Add a new video:</p>
            <input type="text" name="link" placeholder="Video Link">
            <input type="text" name="note" placeholder="Video Note">
            <input type="submit">


const express = require("express");
const ejs = require("ejs");
const url = require("url");
const uuid = require("uuid");
const Database = require("@replit/database");

const hostname = "";
const port = 8080;

let db = new Database();
let app = express();

app.set("view engine", "ejs");

async function getVideos() {
    let allVideoKeys = await db.list("video_");
    let allVideos = [];

    for (let i = 0; i < allVideoKeys.length; i++) {
        let currentKey = allVideoKeys[i];
        let video = await db.get(currentKey);
        video["id"] = currentKey;


    return allVideos;

async function homePage(request, response) {
    let allVideos = await getVideos();

    let renderData = {
        videos: allVideos

    response.render("index", renderData);

async function addVideo(request, response) {
    let parsedUrl = url.parse(request.url, true);
    let newKey = "video_" + uuid.v4();
    await db.set(newKey, parsedUrl.query);


async function deleteVideo(request, response) {
    let videoId =;
    await db.delete(videoId);


app.get("/", homePage);
app.get("/add", addVideo);
app.get('/delete/:id', deleteVideo);

function listenCallback() {
    console.log("Server Running");

app.listen(port, hostname, listenCallback);

Individual Exercises

After the code-along project is complete, go to this page to work on some individual exercises.

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