Database Individual Exercises

After completing the code-along activity, work on the exercises below.

Adding a Duration

One of the cool things about the current app setup is that it's easy to add additional fields. In addition to tracking the link and note for a video, track a new piece of data: dur (short for duration).

Form Update

First, update the form so the user can enter a duration when adding a movie.

  1. Open the index.ejs file
  2. Find the <form></form> element
  3. Within the form, at the bottom, add a new input element
  4. Set the type attribute of the new input to be "text"
  5. Set the name attribute of the new input to be "dur"
  6. Set the placeholder attribute of the new input to be "Video Duration"

List Update

Next, update the list item to display the duration in addition to the note.

  1. In the index.ejs file, in the for loop, in the li, find the main a element
  2. Remove all of the current content for the a element
  3. In its place, create a new EJS block with <%= and %>
  4. Within the block, use a template literal to display the current video's note and duration
     `${videos[i].note} (${videos[i].dur})`

Run the program, and verify that new videos have a duration!

The magic here is that it is only necessary to update the index.ejs file. That's because the data it adds to the database includes all the data from the form with parsedUrl.query. Any field added to the form with a name will be stored in the DB!

Updating Styles

While not always necessary from a functional perspective, updating the styles for a website can have a huge impact on the user experience. Add some CSS to make the page look and feel a little more interesting. Try to make the following updates:

  • Change the font
  • Change the background color
  • Change the text color
  • Make the inputs display on new lines (instead of side-by-side)
  • Add a border around the form
  • Add some padding and margins as needed

The Ability to Edit

So far, the Video Watchlist app has the ability to Create, Read, and Delete data, but one thing is missing from the full CRUD capabilities: Update!

Add in the ability for a user to edit an existing video in the list.

An Existing ID Form

Start by adding a new form to the index.ejs template. This form should be a lot like the "Add" form, with a couple of key differences. Make the following updates in the index.ejs file.

  1. Under the existing </form>, create a new <form></form> element
  2. Set the action attribute to "/edit"
  3. Add a p within the form saying "Edit Existing Video"
  4. Under that, add an input
  5. Give the input a type of "text", a name of "id", and a placeholder of "Existing ID"
  6. Copy the other input elements from the "Add" form into the "Edit" form, including the submit
  7. In the li within the for loop, add the video id text:
     <%= videos[i].id %>

Run the program, and verify that each video has an ID. The new form should also appear, but it won't do anything yet...

Handling the Form Request

The next step is to handle requests that come from form submissions. This will be very similar to the way /add requests are handled. Open the app.js file and follow the steps below.

  1. Under the addVideo function, define a new function named editVideo
  2. Make the function async, and make it take in request and response
  3. In the body of the function, create a new variable named parsedUrl
  4. Set parsedUrl to url.parse(request.url, true)
    • This will contain the form data as query parameters
  5. Under that, create a new variable named videoObj
  6. Set videoObj to parsedUrl.query
  7. Under that, create a new variable named key
  8. Set key to the "id" property of videoObj
  9. Now, the "id" on videoObj is no longer necessary, so delete it:
     delete videoObj["id"];
  10. Under that, call db.set
  11. Pass in key for the key and videoObj for the value
  12. Use the await keyword before db.set to wait for the process to complete
  13. Under that, call response.redirect and go back home ("/")
  14. Outside of the function definition, find the app.get statements
  15. Use another app.get to hook the "/edit" route to the editVideo function

Run the program, and verify that it is possible to edit existing videos by their ID!

Embedding YouTube Videos

Note: this challenge provides little guidance.

One cool thing about HTML is that it's pretty easy to embed YouTube videos! Add some HTML for each video in the list to put the video right on the page.

  • Figure out how to extract the video ID from the link provided on the form
  • Add the YouTube Video ID to the object sent to the homepage
  • Add an iframe on the homepage with a src that points to the embed URL

Something Completely Different - SQL

While SQL will not be specifically covered in the Web 201 course, it may be valuable to learn. Go to SQLBolt to begin. The site explains a bit about relational databases, and then walks through a tutorial of SQL, using interactive exercises for practice.

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