CRUD App - Read

Follow the steps below to allow the web app to display existing data from the database.

Getting the Data from the Database

First, define a function to get all the player data from the database.

  1. In the db.js file, add a new module export property named getPlayersList
    • Make sure to add a comma after the addPlayer function
  2. Set the value of getPlayersList to a new async function with no parameters
  3. In the body of the function, create a new variable named playerKeys
  4. Use db.list to get all keys prefixed with "player"
    • This will retrieve all the player objects inserted into the database
  5. Add an await before db.list so that the code does not continue until the keys are retrieved
  6. Under that, create a new empty list variable named players
    • This will store the nicely formed video objects
  7. Create a for loop structure looping through playerKeys
  8. In the body of the for loop, get the current key as currentKey
  9. Retrieve the value for the current key using await db.get
    • Store that in a variable named currentPlayer
  10. Set the "id" property of the currentPlayer object to currentKey
    • This will come in handy later
  11. push the currentPlayer object to the players list
  12. Outside of the for loop, return the players list


getPlayersList: async function() {
    let playerKeys = await db.list("player_");
    let players = [];

    for (let i = 0; i < playerKeys.length; i++) {
        let currentKey = playerKeys[i];
        let currentPlayer = await db.get(currentKey);
        currentPlayer["id"] = currentKey;


    return players;

Passing the Data to the Page

Now that there is a way to get the data from the DB, it's time to show it on the homepage.

Back-end Updates

Update the routes/index.js file to pass the data when rendering.

  1. At the top the index.js file, require the db.js module with require('../db')
    • Store the value in a const db
  2. Add an async keyword in front of the getHomePage function to make it async
  3. In the body of the getHomePage function, above the response.render, create a new variable named result
  4. Set the result variable to an awaited call to the db.getPlayersList function
  5. Under that, create a new variable named renderData, set to an empty object
  6. Add a players property to the renderData object, set to result
  7. In the response.render call, pass in the renderData object

Now the index.ejs file will be able to access the players data!

Front-end Updates

For now, the front-end will just show all the data as a JSON string.

  1. Open the index.ejs file for editing
  2. Add code to display the data from players
     <%= JSON.stringify(players) %>

Run the program, and verify that it is possible to view the data from the database! It may not look pretty, but it should be there. Try adding another player and make sure they appear in the data too!

Next Steps

CRUD App - Read (Table)

results matching ""

    No results matching ""