Callbacks Node.js App: Individual Exercises

Complete the individual exercises to update the Callbacks app!


  1. Define a new function named drawArrow that logs an ASCII arrow to the console: '>>------>'
  2. Call the repeat function to repeat the new function 10 times
    • Pass the drawArrow function as the callback argument
    • Pass 10 as the second argument

Repeat Two Functions

  1. Define a new function named repeatTwo
  2. The repeatTwo function should have three parameters: callback1, callback2, and numberOfTimes
  3. Copy the body of the existing repeat function, and paste it into the body of the repeatTwo function
  4. Update the body of the repeatTwo function so that it calls both the callback1 and callback2 functions in the while loop
  5. Finally, call the repeatTwo function to repeat the drawArrow and drawChefHat functions 2 times

Repeat with Parameter

Sometimes it is necessary to call callbacks that require parameters. Follow the instructions below to practice.

Defining a New Function with a Parameter

  1. Define a new function named exclaim
  2. The exclaim function should have one parameter: message
  3. In the body of the exclaim function, declare a new variable named newMessage using let
  4. Assign the newMessage variable to be the message parameter with an exclamation point (!) at the end of it
    • For example, if message were "hello", newMessage should be "hello!"
  5. Use console.log to log the newMessage to the console

Defining a New Function to Repeat Functions

  1. Define a new function named repeatWithParameter
  2. The repeatWithParameter function should have three parameters: callback, callbackParameter, and numberOfTimes
  3. Copy the body of the existing repeat function, and paste it into the body of the repeatWithParameter function
  4. Update the body of the repeatWithParameter function so that it passes the callbackParameter when calling the callback function
  5. Finally, call the repeatWithParameter function, and make it call the exclaim function 3 times with a message of "hello"

CHALLENGE - Random Function

  1. Define a new function named randomFunction
  2. The randomFunction function should have two parameters: callback1, callback2
  3. In the body of the randomFunction function, declare a variable named randomNumber using let
  4. Use Math.random() to generate a random number between 0 and 1, and store the result in the randomNumber variable
  5. Use an if statement to check if randomNumber is less than .5
  6. If randomNumber is less than .5, call the callback1 function
  7. Using an else, if randomNumber is NOT less than .5, call the callback2 function

CHALLENGE - Arrow Length

  1. Define a new function named drawArrowLength
    • The function should have one parameter: length
  2. In the body of the drawArrowLength function, build a string for the arrow based on the length parameter
    • The number of hyphen characters (-) should match the length
    • For example, if length were 5, the arrow would be >>----->
    • If length were 2, the arrow would be >>-->
  3. Call the repeatWithParameter function, and make it call the drawArrowLength function 3 times with an arrow length of 4

Additional Challenge

Define a new function named drawChefHatHeight that changes the height of a chef's hat based on a height parameter. Use the repeatWithParameter method to call the drawChefHatHeight function repeatedly.

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