Simple Server: Individual Exercises

Using the "Hello World" web server as a starting point, complete the following exercises.


Currently, the actual HTML for the website is a little sparse. Update the homepage so that it has a little more content.

  1. Find the line in the handleRequest function with response.write('<h1>There is no world</h1>')
  2. Under that, still within the else block, add another response.write
  3. Pass in '<p>There are worlds other places</p>'
    • This will add a paragraph to the page
  4. Under that, add another response.write
  5. For that one, pass in '<img src="">'
    • This is a picture of the world
  6. Under that, add one more response.write
  7. Pass in '<p><a href="?world=1">World 1</a></p>'
    • This will link to the Hello World page

Run the program and refresh the page. Verify that the new HTML appears, and it is possible to go to the Hello World page!

if (worldParam == 1) {
  response.write('<h1>Hello World</h1>');
} else {
  response.write('<h1>There is no world</h1>');
  response.write('<p>There are worlds other places</p>');
  response.write('<img src="">');
  response.write('<p><a href="?world=1">World 1</a></p>');

Now, from the Hello World page, there is no way back to the main page. Fix this by writing an <a href="?">Home</a> element to the response.

  1. Find the body of the if (worldParam == 1) statement
  2. Under the existing response.write, add another response.write
  3. Pass in '<a href="?">Home</a>'
    • This will link back to the homepage

Run the program and refresh the page. Verify that it is possible to go back and forth between each page!

if (worldParam == 1) {
  response.write('<h1>Hello World</h1>');
  response.write('<a href="?">Home</a>');
} else {
  response.write('<h1>There is no world</h1>');
  response.write('<p>There are worlds other places</p>');
  response.write('<img src="">');
  response.write('<p><a href="?world=1">World 1</a></p>');

Even More HTML

Feel free to add as much new HTML as desired. The possibilities are endless!

A Whole New World

Now that the two pages have been filled out a little more, it's time to add another page. This one should be accessible with ?world=2 appended to the end of the base URL.

  1. Find the if and else structure within the handleRequest function
  2. In between the if and else, add an else if
  3. For the else if condition, check if the worldParam variable is 2
  4. In the body of the else if, add a response.write
    • Pass in '<h1>World 2</h1>'

Run the program and open the website in a new tab.

Add ?world=2 to the end of the URL, and verify that the new message appears!

if (worldParam == 1) {
  response.write('<h1>Hello World</h1>');
  response.write('<p><a href="?">Home</a></p>');
} else if (worldParam == 2) {
  response.write('<h1>World 2</h1>');
} else {
  response.write('<h1>There is no world</h1>');
  response.write('<p>There are worlds other places</p>');
  response.write('<img src="">');
  response.write('<p><a href="?world=1">World 1</a></p>');

More New World Content

Now, fill out the World 2 page a little bit.

  1. Under the response.write in the else if body, add another response.write
  2. Pass in '<img src="">'
    • This is a picture of Super Mario
  3. Under that, add another response.write
  4. Pass in '<p>This is Super Mario World</p>'
  5. Under that, use response.write to write '<a href="?">Home</a>'

Run the program again and refresh the ?world=2 page to verify that the new content appears!

if (worldParam == 1) {
  response.write('<h1>Hello World</h1>');
  response.write('<p><a href="?">Home</a></p>');
} else if (worldParam == 2) {
  response.write('<h1>World 2</h1>');
  response.write('<img src="">');
  response.write('<p>This is Super Mario World</p>');
  response.write('<a href="?">Home</a>');
} else {
  response.write('<h1>There is no world</h1>');
  response.write('<p>There are worlds other places</p>');
  response.write('<img src="">');
  response.write('<p><a href="?world=1">World 1</a></p>');


Now that the new page exists, it's time to link it from the main page. Add another response.write in the else block, and pass in '<p><a href="?world=2">World 2</a></p>'.

Run the program again, and see how it is possible to navigate between pages!

if (worldParam == 1) {
  response.write('<h1>Hello World</h1>');
  response.write('<p><a href="?">Home</a></p>');
} else if (worldParam == 2) {
  response.write('<h1>World 2</h1>');
  response.write('<img src="">');
  response.write('<p>This is Super Mario World</p>');
  response.write('<a href="?">Home</a>');
} else {
  response.write('<h1>There is no world</h1>');
  response.write('<p>There are worlds other places</p>');
  response.write('<img src="">');
  response.write('<p><a href="?world=1">World 1</a></p>');
  response.write('<p><a href="?world=2">World 2</a></p>');

Yet Another World

Add a World 3 to the site.

  • It should be accessible by appending ?world=3 to the base URL
  • It should have a header that says World 3
  • There should be links to and from the new page and the Home page

Follow these instructions:

  1. In the handleResponse function, find the if (worldParam == 1) statement
  2. Add an else if checking for worldParam == 3
  3. Within that else if body, use response.write to write an h1 containing "World 3"
  4. Under that, add another response.write with a link to the Home page
  5. In the body of the else clause, make a new line at the bottom
  6. Add a response.write with a link to the new World 3 page
  7. Run the program, and verify that it is possible to navigate to the new page!

Message Query Parameter

Add the ability for the user to use a new query parameter msg whose value will appear on the page. For example, they should be able to go to the Repl project url with ?msg=hello appended and see a page that contains the text "You said hello" in the HTML. This should work for any value, e.g. ?msg=hi, ?msg=goodbye, ?msg=whatever, etc.

HINT: No if statement is required for this exercise!

  1. In the handleRequest function, find the parsedUrl object
    • The parsedUrl object should have a property of msg for the query parameter
  2. Get the value of the msg query parameter, and store it in a new variable
  3. Use response.write to write the message into the HTML response: 'You said ' + msg
let msgParam = queryParams.msg;
response.write(`<p>You said ${msgParam}</p>`);

Background Color Query Parameter

Use a new query parameter, bg, to dynamically set the background color of the page. For example, the user should be able to go to the Repl project url with ?bg=red appended, and see a page with a red background. This should work for any color.

The HTML/CSS to change the background color looks like this:

    body {
        background-color: red;
  1. In the handleRequest function, use the queryParams object to obtain the value of a query parameter bg, and store it in a variable
    • This is just like getting the value of the msg or world query parameter
  2. Create a new variable named bgParam containing the <style></style> tag within a template string (surrounded by backticks)
  3. Update the template string so that instead of red, the color is whatever the user specified with bg
    • HINT: replace red in the style tag with ${bgParam}
  4. Use response.write to write the entire <style></style> tag to the response!
let bgParam =;
body {
    background-color: ${bgParam};

Instead of making the user type the query parameter into the URL, create links on the page that contain the query parameter for them!

A link would look like this:

<p><a href="?orange">Make background orange</a><p>
  1. Create a new variable containing the <p></p> element as a string
  2. Write the <p></p> element to the response object with response.write
  3. Repeat the steps above to create links for "lavender" and "yellow" in addition to orange
response.write('<p><a href="?orange">Make background orange</a><p>');
response.write('<p><a href="?lavender">Make background lavender</a><p>');
response.write('<p><a href="?yellow">Make background yellow</a><p>');


  1. Create an array of color strings, including 'orange', 'lavender', 'yellow'
  2. Use a for loop to dynamically generate the anchor elements based on the color array, and write all of them to the response

CHALLENGE - Pages of People

Use this code for the names array:

const names = [
  'Wesley Malecha',
  'Glenna Hillman',
  'Shenita Cheney',
  'Ja Woodside',
  'Rafael Wolken',
  'Samuel Studer',
  'Nadene Rita',
  'Kathie Crosland',
  'Roxanna Scogin',
  'Stan Croxton',
  'Yuki Hosch',
  'Shantae Dirksen',
  'Harriette Berthelot',
  'Jennie Parman',
  'Louanne Oland',
  'Ebony Bushey',
  'Tom Sanger',
  'Shemeka Righter',
  'Jetta Zaremba',
  'Adrianne Commons',
  'Clay Renninger',
  'Raleigh Howley',
  'Maryln Leven',
  'Dominica Paik',
  'Peter Yocum',
  'Gabriela Kubala',
  'Gino Phinney',
  'Lavona Vidal',
  'Angelique Fontanez',
  'Waldo Hagwood',
  'Jacquie Mellon',
  'Velva Vitagliano',
  'Eun Flora',
  'Virgil Trimble',
  'Kurt Mallon',
  'Donella Mcardle',
  'Maud Guider',
  'Holli Champlin',
  'Rosalie Rook',
  'Ina Leonard',
  'Eliseo Spoto',
  'Teisha Wilhoit',
  'Lachelle Augustus',
  'Kristel Dennis',
  'Jeannetta Oller',
  'Scottie Steptoe',
  'Margit Stockwell',
  'Minh Blau',
  'Maegan Burling',
  'Floria Bakley'

There are 50 total names, and there should be 10 names appearing on each page. This way, names 1-10 will appear on page 1, names 11-20 will appear on page 2, and so on. There should be dynamically-generated links at the bottom of the list to go to the "Next Page" or the "Previous Page" depending on the current page. For example, if the user is on page 2, the "Next Page" link should send them to page 3, and the "Previous Page" link should send them to page 1. If there is no next page or previous page, no link should appear.

  1. Create a names array that contains 50 names (above)
  2. Use the parsed URL object to obtain the value of a query parameter page
  3. Convert the parameter value into a number using the Number() function, and store it in a variable
  4. Use the isNan() function to check if the value is a number, and if it is not, set it to 1
  5. If the page value is less than 1 or greater than 5, set it to 1
  6. Write an h3 with the text "People" to the response
  7. Write the opening tag of a ul to the response
  8. Use a for loop to dynamically write the appropriate names, each within an li element, to the response
    • There should be 10 names total
    • The starting point should be based on the current page
  9. Write the closing tag of the ul
  10. If appropriate, create an HTML link that links to the previous page, and write it to the response
  11. If appropriate, create an HTML link that links to the next page, and write it to the response

POST Request with a Form

Figure out how to use an HTML form to make a POST request to the server.

Anything Else!

Think about what is possible with HTML pages and query parameters and try to create something new.

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    No results matching ""