People List EJS: Code-Along

The current People List app works for a small number of people, but it becomes increasingly tedious to add more and more. It is frustrating, because so much of the HTML is repeated, and all of the data exists in people.json. If only there were a way to pull the data from the JSON file into the HTML, so the server could dynamically generate each page and update the homepage accordingly... well, there is!

EJS (Embedded JavaScript) allows developers to use JavaScript directly in HTML templates, making them much more dynamic. The server passes a JavaScript object into the HTML based on the specific request and current data. It then renders a specific HTML page to send back up to the client for display!

Setting Up

  1. In the People List project folder, create a new folder named "views"
  2. Move the home.html file and person0.html file into the "views" folder
  3. Rename the files to home.ejs and person.ejs

app.js Updates

Make the following updates to the app.js file.

  1. Remove the path module import as it is no longer necessary
  2. At the top of the file, add require('ejs') to install the library
  3. After the app variable is initialized, use the code below to set the "view engine" to "ejs"
     app.set('view engine', 'ejs');
  4. In the body of the homePage function, remove the current command and replace it with response.render('home');
  5. In the personPage function, replace the render with response.render('person')
  6. Remove everything from the personPage function except for the part where the index query parameter is obtained

     function personPage(request, response) {
         let parsedUrl = url.parse(request.url, true);
         let index = Number(parsedUrl.query.index);
  7. Run the server, and make sure the homepage still loads along with the first person page (currently ignoring the index)

Passing the JSON Person

The goal is to have the program dynamically generate an HTML page for each person in the people.json file. To do that, it is necessary to pull the correct person object from the people.json array based on the index, and pass it into the template.

Note: The people.json file must be saved in the same directory as the app.js file

  1. At the top of the file, import the fs module, storing it in a const variable
     const fs = require('fs');
  2. Under that, use fs.readFileSync and JSON.parse to put the people.json array into a variable named peopleJson
     let rawData = fs.readFileSync('people.json');
     let peopleJson = JSON.parse(rawData);
  3. In the body of the personPage function, use the index query parameter to get the correct person from the peopleJson array
     let currentPerson = peopleJson[index];
  4. In the response.render function call, pass in a second parameter that is a new object with a person property of currentPerson
     response.render('person', {
         person: currentPerson
  5. In the person.ejs file, add <%= JSON.stringify(person) %> somewhere for testing purposes
  6. Run the server, load the /person page, and make sure that the object displayed changes based on the index query parameter!

Updating the Person Page Template

Now that the person object is available in the person.ejs template, all that's left is updating the template to use the object properties! A value from the person object can be implanted in the HTML like so:

<%= person.PROPERTY %>
  1. Replace the existing name with a dynamic piece of code that gets the first_name from the person, and adds the last_name of the person
    • Use <%= to start the EJS segment
    • Use %> to end the EJS segment
    • All the JavaScript in between those tags will be rendered in the HTML file!
  2. Replace the existing occupation with another dynamic EJS segment using person.occupation
  3. Replace the image source (between '') with another dynamic EJS segment using person.avatar
  4. Check the /person page with some different index values to see it update dynamically!

Changing the Background Color

The background color should be green if the person is alive, and red if the person is dead. It is possible to use if statements in EJS scriptlets to accomplish this.

  1. Remove everything from the head element, and add an EJS scriptlet using <% and %>
    • For control flow, use <% with no equals sign because no JavaScript should render to the template
    • Instead of rendering within EJS, these statements use HTML dynamically
  2. Within the EJS scriptlet, enter the first line of an if statement checking person.alive
     <% if (person.alive) { %>
  3. Under the EJS scriptlet, in the "body" of the if statement, add a style element with the CSS to set the background color of the page to mediumseagreen
         body {
             background: mediumseagreen;
  4. Under the HTML, add another EJS scriptlet to close off the if statement: <% } %>
  5. Load up the /person page, and make sure only alive people have green backgrounds!
  6. In the if closing EJS scriptlet, add an else to handle dead people
     <% } else { %>
  7. Under the EJS scriptlet, in the "body" of the else, add a style element with the CSS to set the background color of the page to red
  8. Under the </style>, add another EJS scriptlet to close off the else statement
  9. Load up the /person page, and make sure that dead people have red backgrounds!


    <% if (person.alive) { %>
            body {
                background: mediumseagreen;
    <% } else { %>
            body {
                background: red;
    <% } %>
        <h3>Person Information</h3>
        <p>Name: <%= person.first_name + ' ' + person.last_name %></p>
        <p>Occupation: <%= person.job %></p>
        <img src='<%= person.avatar %>' />
        <p><a href='/'>Home</a></p>

Updating the Home Page Template

Now that the person page dynamically loads each individual person, update the home page so that the list of links is generated dynamically too!

Setting up the Loop

  1. In the app.js file, update the homePage function so that it passes peopleJson when rendering the page
     response.render('home', {
         people: peopleJson
  2. In the home.ejs file, remove any li elements
    • They will be dynamically generated!
  3. Within the ul, add an EJS scriptlet containing a for loop that will loop through all of the people in the people array

     <% for (let i = 0; i < people.length; i++) { %>
     <% } %>
  4. In the "body" of the for loop, add an li
  5. In the li, add an EJS segment to render the current index in the for loop: <%= i %>
  6. Load up the homepage, and make sure the proper number of list items appears!
  1. Around the i EJS segment, add an a element that will link to the person with the given i index
         <a href='/person?index=<%= i %>'>Person</a>
  2. Update the text of the Person link so that it also provides the index
  3. Update the text of the Person link so that it contains the first name of the person at the given index
  4. Update the text of the Person link so that it contains both the first and the last name of the person
     <a href='/person?index=<%= i %>'>
         <%= people[i].first_name + ' ' + people[i].last_name %>
  5. Load up the homepage, and make sure the links function properly!


        <h1>People List</h1>
        <p>Welcome to the list of people</p>
        <% for (let i = 0; i < people.length; i++) { %>
                <a href='/person?index=<%= i %>'>
                    <%= people[i].first_name + ' ' + people[i].last_name %>
        <% } %>

Final app.js Code

const express = require('express');
const url = require('url');
const fs = require('fs');

const hostname = '';
const port = 8080;

let rawData = fs.readFileSync('people.json');
let peopleJson = JSON.parse(rawData);

let app = express();
app.set('view engine', 'ejs');

function homePage(request, response) {
    response.render('home', {
        people: peopleJson

function personPage(request, response) {
    let parsedUrl = url.parse(request.url, true);
    let index = Number(parsedUrl.query.index);
    let currentPerson = peopleJson[index];

    response.render('person', {
        person: currentPerson

app.get('/', homePage);
app.get('/person', personPage);

function listenCallback() {
    console.log('Server running');

app.listen(port, hostname, listenCallback);

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