CRUD App - Create (POST)

Create a POST request handler that will take the data from the "Add Player" form and insert the new player into the database.

When a user fills out the "Add Player" form and clicks the submit button, it will send a POST request to /add (as specified in the attributes of the form). The data will be labeled based on the name attributes of the input elements. The server should take that POST request, and use the data to insert a new player into the database.

Hooking up an "Add Player" Request Handler

  1. In the routes/player.js file, add a new module export property named addPlayer
    • Make sure to add a comma after the addPlayerPage function
  2. Set the value of addPlayer to be a function with request and response as parameters
  3. In the body of the addPlayer function, log request.body to the console
  4. After the console log, redirect to the homepage with response.redirect('/')
  5. In the app.js file, under the app.set, tell the app to use the proper middleware to handle POST data:
     app.use(express.urlencoded({ extended: false }));
  6. In the app.js file, under the app.get routes, add an to hook up the addPlayer function to the /add route:'/add', player.addPlayer);

Load up the "Add Player" page, submit the form, and verify that the form data is properly logged in the console!

Handling the POST Data

Now that the data is properly in the back-end, it's time to put it in the database. Update the db.js and routes/player.js files to make this happen.

DB Function

Start by creating a function that can add a new player object to the database.

  1. In the db.js file, add a new module export property named addPlayer
  2. Set the value of addPlayer to be an async function with playerObj as a parameter
  3. In the body of the addPlayer function, create a new variable named newId
  4. Set newId to the "player_" prefix, plus a new UUID
    • This will be the unique key for the database
  5. Under that, call db.set to set the key (newId) to the value (playerObj)
  6. Use the await keyword in front of the db.set so it returns properly


module.exports = {
    addPlayer: async function(playerObj) {
        let newId = "player_" + uuid.v4();
        await db.set(newId, playerObj);

Route Function

Next, update the /add POST handler to use the DB function to insert the data into the database.

  1. At the top the routes/player.js file, require the db.js module with require('../db')
    • Store the value in a const db
  2. In the addPlayer function, remove the console.log
  3. In its place, add a call to db.addPlayer, passing in request.body for the player object
  4. Put the await keyword in front of db.addPlayer so it returns properly
  5. Add the async keyword in front of the function because it uses an await


const db = require('../db.js');

module.exports = {
  addPlayerPage: function (request, response) {

  addPlayer: async function (request, response) {
    await db.addPlayer(request.body);


At this point, it should be fully possible to add Player data to the database.

  1. Run the app, and go to the /add page
  2. Enter information about a new player
  3. Click the "Add Player" button
  4. Verify that the homepage loads
  5. In Repl, open the Database section on the left, and verify that there is some data in there!

Next Steps

CRUD - Read

results matching ""

    No results matching ""