Express Web Server: Individual Exercises

Complete the following exercises to update the Express project and personalize it.

A New Page

First, create yet another possible route for the website. This one should display a message of "This is a new page!" when the user appends /new to the URL. This will be very similar to how the existing pages are set up, so use those as a reference.

  1. Find the definition for the handleHomeRequest function in the app.js file
  2. Under that, define a new function named handleNewRequest
  3. Give the function two parameters: request and response
  4. In the body of the handleNewRequest function, call response.send
  5. Pass in 'This is a new page!' to the response.send call
  6. Under the function definitions, find the app.get calls
  7. Under those, add a new app.get call
    • For the first argument, pass in '/new' (route for URL)
    • For the second argument, pass in handleNewRequest (function name)
  8. Run the server, open the site in a new tab, and append /new to the URL
  9. Verify that the message for the new page appears!
function handleNewRequest(request, response) {
  response.send('This is a new page!');

app.get('/new', handleNewRequest);

A New "Home"

Using simple text responses can be helpful for testing, but for a real website, HTML can do a lot more. Update the homepage so that instead of simply sending text, it sends a whole HTML document.

  1. Create a new HTML file named home.html in the project directory
  2. In the home.html file, add some HTML to create a custom page welcoming the user
    • It should have a header that says "Home"
    • It should have links to the Info page and New page
    • It can also have pictures and introductory information
    • Feel free to add anything at all!
  3. In the body of the handleHomeRequest function, replace the existing code with a new variable named homePath
  4. Set the homePath variable to be a call to path.join, passing in __dirname and the filename
    • HINT: This is similar to the handleInfoRequest function
  5. Under that, use response.sendFile to send the homePath file
  6. Run the server and test it out to make sure the homepage HTML appears!
function handleHomeRequest(request, response) {
  let homePath = path.join(__dirname, 'home.html'); // assuming a 'home.html' file exists

Yet Another Page

Add another endpoint with another HTML page for the site! This will be similar to how the Home and Info pages work. This new page should be all about your favorite food.

Creating the HTML

  1. Create a new HTML file named food.html in the project directory
  2. In the food.html file, add some HTML to create a page
    • It should have a header with your favorite food
    • It should have a picture of your favorite food
    • It should have a link to the Home page
    • It can have anything else you want on it too

Creating the Handler Function

  1. Open the app.js file for editing
  2. Under the handleInfoRequest function, define a new function
    • Name it handleFoodRequest
    • Give it two parameters: request and response
  3. In the body of the function, create a new variable named foodPath
  4. Set the foodPath variable to path.join, passing in __dirname and the filename
  5. Under that, use response.sendFile to send the foodPath file

Hooking Up the Route

  1. Find the app.get function calls in the app.js file
  2. Under those, make another app.get call
  3. Pass in /food for the route, and handleFoodRequest for the function
  1. Open the home.html file for editing
  2. Somewhere in the file, add an <a href="/food"> to link to the Food page

Run the server and verify that it is now possible to go to the Food page!

An Info Form

In the info.html file, there should be an HTML form that will allow the user to enter information to be received by the server.

  1. At the bottom of the body of the info file, add a <form></form> element
    • Set the action attribute of the form to point back to the current place: '/info'
  2. Within the form, add a <p></p> that says "What type of information would you like?"
  3. Under the p, add a text <input />
    • Set the name attribute of the input to 'infoType'
  4. Under the input, add another <input /> with type submit and value Submit
<form action="/info">
    <p>What type of information would you like?</p>
    <input type="text" name="infoType" />
    <input type="submit" value="Submit" />

Receiving the Form Request

In the app.js file, in the handleInfoRequest function, there should be code to properly handle GET requests from the new form. The form information will be sent as query parameters.

  1. At the top of the app.js file, import the url module, and store it in a const named url
     const url = require('url');
  2. In the body of the handleInfoRequest function, find the infoPath variable declaration
  3. Under that, declare a new variable named parsedUrl
  4. Set the parsedUrl variable to the result of a call to url.parse
    • Pass in request.url for the first argument
    • Pass in true for the second argument
  5. Under that, create a new variable named queryParams
  6. Set the queryParams variable to parsedUrl.query
  7. Under that, use console.log to display the queryParams variable
  8. Load up the server, navigate to the /info page, and submit the form to see the query object in the console!
function handleInfoRequest(request, response) {
    let infoPath = path.join(__dirname, 'info.html');
    let parsedUrl = url.parse(request.url, true);
    let queryParams = parsedUrl.query;

Dynamic Pages - Penguins

Note: This part will be fairly challenging.

Now that the server is receiving the form data, it's possible to respond dynamically!

Creating the Penguin Page HTML

Start by creating a new HTML document containing information about penguins.

  1. Create a new HTML file named penguinInfo.html in the project directory
  2. Fill out the penguinInfo.html file with some information about penguins
    • For example, a group of penguins in the water is called a raft but on land they’re called a waddle!
  3. At the bottom of the HTML body, copy and paste the entire form element from info.html
    • Copying and pasting like this is not ideal, but it works for now

Showing the Penguin Page

  1. Switch back to the app.js file, and find the handleInfoRequest function
  2. Under the parsedUrl variable declaration, create a variable named infoType
  3. Set the infoType variable to queryParams.infoType
    • This should hold whatever the user entered in the form
  4. Create an if statement to check whether the infoType query parameter was "penguin"
  5. If the user did enter "penguin", set the infoPath to point to the new penguinInfo.html file
  6. Load up the server and enter "penguin" on the /info page to see the content change dynamically!
function handleInfoRequest(request, response) {
    let infoPath = path.join(__dirname, 'info.html');

    let parsedUrl = url.parse(request.url, true);
    let queryParams = parsedUrl.query;

    let infoType = queryParams.infoType;
    if (infoType == 'penguin') {
      infoPath = path.join(__dirname, 'penguinInfo.html');


Another Dynamic Page - Giraffes

Next, create another dynamic info page - this one should be about giraffes.

Creating the Giraffe Page HTML

Start by creating a new HTML document containing information about giraffes.

  1. Create a new HTML file named giraffeInfo.html in the project directory
  2. Fill out the giraffeInfo.html file with some information about giraffes
    • For example, giraffes are the tallest mammals on earth
  3. At the bottom of the HTML body, copy and paste the entire form element from info.html
    • Copying and pasting like this is not ideal, but it works for now

Showing the Giraffe Page

  1. Switch back to the app.js file, and find the handleInfoRequest function
  2. Under the if (infoType == penguin) check, add an else if
  3. For the else if condition, check if the query parameter was "giraffe"
  4. If the user did enter "giraffe", set the infoPath to point to the new giraffeInfo.html file
  5. Load up the server and enter "giraffe" on the /info page to see the content change dynamically!

More Info Pages

Create additional HTML pages, and make the handleInfoRequest function properly route to them based on input from the user! This could be information about any topic. Try to add as many info pages as possible.

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