People List EJS: Individual Exercises

Update the People List application by completing the following exercises.

Updating the Person Page Styles

  1. In the person.ejs file, set the font to "Chiller" if the person is dead
  2. Set the font to "Arial" if the person is alive
  3. Run the program, and verify that the fonts reflect the alive status of each person!

Adding a Wrench

If the person is an engineer of any kind, they should have a wrench icon under their occupation.

  1. Open the person.ejs file
  2. Make a new line under the <p> that has the person's occupation
  3. Create an <%= if () { %> <%= } %> structure
  4. For the if condition, check if the person's job contains the text 'Engineer'
  5. In the body of the if, place the wrench emoji in a p:
  6. Run the program, and verify that "Engineer" people have a wrench on their pages!

Moving the Avatar to the Homepage

  1. Remove the avatar <img> from the /person page
  2. On the homepage, update the person list so each li has an image before the name:
         <img src="" />
         <a href=""><!-- etc --></a>
  3. Update the image so that it points to the given person's avatar

Adding Pagination

  1. In the app.js file, in the personPage function, find the response.render call
  2. Update the object passed to response.render so that it has an idx property
    • The value should be the index from the query parameter
  3. In the person.ejs file, at the bottom, add an a that links to the previous page
    • The href should be /person?index= with the previous index (<%= idx-1 %>)
  4. Under the "previous page" link, add another a that links to the next page (<%= idx+1 %>)

BONUS - Dynamic Paging

  1. Use EJS to create an if statement that shows the "previous page" link only if the current idx is greater than 0
  2. Use EJS to create an if statement that shows the "next page" link only if the current idx is less than 24

Alphabetic List Sorting

Note: This challenge is very challenging and provides very little guidance.

  1. In the app.js file, in the homePage function, add code to handle a sort query parameter
  2. If the sort query parameter is true, send over the array of people sorted in alphabetical order
  3. If the sort query parameter is anything else, send the normal array
  4. Add links on the /home page to sort/unsort the list of people

Challenge - Making Sorted Pagination Work

Update the /home page so that, if clicking a person link while in sort mode, the pagination on the /person page will respect the alphabetic order.

CHALLENGE - Editable Occupations

Note: This challenge is very challenging.

Update the app so that the user can edit a person's occupation on the /person page.

  1. On the server, create a new POST request handler that takes a person's name and their new occupation, and updates the peopleJson object
  2. Create an HTML form on the /person page to get the new name from the user

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