CRUD App - Update (GET)

Add a form to the web app that will allow the user to edit the information for an existing player in the database. First, create an "Edit Player" route that will be accessible via a GET request.

Routing the GET Handler

The GET request for the "Edit Player" page requires a player id to render. The id can be passed as a route parameter in Express. The user should be able to direct their browser to http://<base-url>/edit/5 and the handler will know that the user would like to edit the player with an id of 5.

  1. In the module.exports object in the routes/player.js file, define a new editPlayerPage function with request and response parameters
  2. In the body of the editPlayerPage function, log to the console
  3. Under the log, use request.render to render the edit-player.ejs page:
     editPlayerPage: function (request, response) {
  4. In the app.js file, under the app.get calls, add another app.get to hook up /edit/:id to player.editPlayerPage
    • This means that whatever comes after the edit/ will be mapped to the id property of params in the handler
  5. Navigate to the /edit/5 route and verify that 5 is properly logged in the console as the id!

Adding the Edit Buttons

Now that the "Edit Player" route exists, the user needs a way to navigate to it! Add "Edit" buttons for each player in the home page table.

  1. In the views/index.ejs file, add another th to the table header row with the text "Action"
  2. Within the for loop row, add another td under the number td
  3. Within the new td, add an a with the text "Edit" that points the user to /edit/ with the player's id
  4. Set the class attribute of the a to "btn btn-sm btn-success" to make it appear like a green button:
         <a href="/edit/<%= players[i].id %>" class="btn btn-sm btn-success">Edit</a>
  5. Load up the homepage, and verify that the "Edit" button links to the "Edit" page for the proper player!

At this point, the player ID should simply be logged in the console. The program will end up using that ID to get the data for a player.

Updating the GET Handler Function

The GET handler function should query the database to find the information about the player with the given id. It should then pass that data along to the EJS for rendering.

Getting the Data from the DB

Start by adding a way to get the player data from the database. Open the db.js file to begin.

  1. In the module.exports, add a new property named getPlayerById
  2. Make it an async function that takes playerId as a parameter
  3. In the body of the function, create a new variable named player
  4. Use db.get to get the value for the player given the playerId
  5. Use the await keyword to properly return the value
  6. Under that, set the "id" property of the player object to the playerId
  7. Finally, return player


getPlayerById: async function(playerId) {
    let player = await db.get(playerId);
    player["id"] = playerId;

    return player;

Getting the Data

Open the routes/player.js file to begin.

  1. Remove the code currently in the body of the editPlayerPage function
  2. Declare a new variable playerId and set it to
  3. Under that, declare a new variable named playerObj
  4. Use db.getPlayerById to get the player data for playerId
  5. Use the await keyword to properly return the value
  6. Make the editPlayerPage function asynchronous with the async keyword
  7. Use console.log to log the data to the console

Load up the homepage, click one of the "Edit" buttons, and verify that the data for that player appears in the console!

Updating the EJS

Currently, the edit-player.ejs file can only handle adding new players. Update the EJS so that it will dynamically handle adding or editing players. If it is editing an existing player, the player data should be auto-filled in the form.

Passing in the Render Data

Now that there are two different uses for the edit-player.ejs template, it will be necessary to pass in some data to distinguish them. Open the routes/player.js file to begin.


  1. Find the addPlayerPage function
  2. At the top of the function body, create a new variable named renderData
  3. Set the renderData variable to a JS object with two properties: player and add
  4. Set player to an empty object, and add to true
  5. In the call to response.render, pass in renderData as the second argument


  1. Find the editPlayerPage function
  2. Under the existing code, create a new variable named renderData
  3. Set the renderData variable to a JS object with two properties: player and add
  4. Set player to playerObj , and add to false
  5. Call response.render, passing in edit-player and renderData

Now, the template should have all the data it needs!

Updating the EJS File

This is the tricky part. It's time to update the EJS to handle all of the data, and make it work for both adding and editing players.

  1. In the edit-player.ejs file, find the input for "First Name" and add a value attribute
  2. Set the value attribute to an EJS segment that takes the first_name property from the player object
  3. Using a ternary operator, update the EJS segment so that if add is true, it returns an empty string:
     <%= add ? '' : player.first_name %>
  4. Make similar updates for the "Last Name" and "Number" input elements
  5. For the "Position" select, create a new option with the selected attribute containing an EJS segment with player.position
  6. Wrap the new option in an EJS scriptlet with an if (!add) so that it only appears while editing an existing player
  7. In the "Submit" button input, replace "Add" with an EJS segment that could be either "Add" or "Update":
     <%= add ? 'Add' : 'Update' %>
  8. In the main form element, update the action attribute so that it can either go to /add OR /edit/{}:
     action="/<%= add ? 'add' : `edit/${} `%>"
  9. Wrap the entire form element in an EJS scriptlet with an if (add || player)
    • This means if the user attempts to edit a player that does not exist, the form will not render
  10. Under the form, add an else EJS scriptlet with a p that says "Player Not Found."
    • Give it a class of "text-center"
  11. Load up the "Edit Player" page for a given id, and verify that the proper player information appears
    • Note that the form will not be submittable yet!
  12. Load up the "Add Player" page, and verify that everything still works the same way


<%- include('partials/header') %>
<div class="container">
<% if (add || player) { %>
    <form method="post" action="/<%=add ? 'add' : `edit/${}`%>">
        <div class="form-row">
            <div class="form-group col-md-6">
                <label for="first-name">First Name</label>
                <input type="text" class="form-control" name="first_name" value="<%=add ? '' : player.first_name%>" required>
            <div class="form-group col-md-6">
                <label for="last-name">Last Name</label>
                <input type="text" class="form-control" name="last_name" value="<%=add ? '' : player.last_name%>" required>
        <div class="form-row">
            <div class="form-group col-md-6">
                <label for="number">Number</label>
                <input type="number" class="form-control" name="number" value="<%=add ? '' : player.number%>" required>
            <div class="form-group col-md-6">
                <label for="position">Position</label>
                <select name="position" class="form-control" required>
                <% if (!add) { %>
                    <option selected><%= player.position %></option>
                <% } %>
        <button type="submit" class="btn btn-success float-right"><%= add ? 'Add' : 'Update' %> Player</button>
<% } else { %>
    <p class="text-center">Player Not Found.</p>
<% } %>

Next Steps

CRUD App - Update (POST)

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