Repl Setup for Node.js

Create a Replit account in order to save and share Node.js projects.

  1. Click the "Start coding" button on Replit
  2. Fill out a username, email, and password, and click the "Sign up" button
  3. If necessary, prove your humanity to verify the account
  4. Open your email, and click the "Complete Verification" link
  5. On your repls page, click the "+ New repl" button
  6. Select "Node.js" from the Language list
  7. Enter a name for the Repl, like "HelloWorld"
  8. Click the "Create repl" button to create the new project!

Replit Overview

Replit is a website that allows developers to write and run code right from a web browser!

  • Code Editor - This is where developers write code
  • Run Button - Developers click this button to execute the code
  • Run Area - This is where the developer sees the results of the code

In the new Repl, click the "Run" button to see the code execute. Note that nothing should happen at this point; there is no code written yet.

Sharing Your Repl Account

Once your account is created, make sure you share your username with your course instructors.

  1. In the upper menu, select "Profile"
  2. Copy the URL from your browser's address bar
  3. Share the URL via:

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