People List: Starter App

Build an Express app to display a list of people, each with their own page containing more information about them. This will help illustrate the need for templates, because it will become increasingly tedious to create a page for each individual person. The data for the people is stored in a file named people.json.

Getting Started

  1. Log into
  2. Open and fork the People List Starter Repl Project

Nothing should happen yet. Follow the steps below to start building the server.

A Basic Express Server

Open up the app.js file, and add the code for a simple web server.

  1. Import the express and path modules, storing them in const variables
  2. Create const variables for the hostname ('') and port (8080)
  3. Create a variable named app, set to express()
  4. Define a new function named homePage that has two parameters: request and response
  5. In the body of the homePage function, use response.sendFile to send home.html
    • Use path.join to get the absolute path for home.html
  6. Under the function, call app.get
    • Pass in '/' and homepage to specify that requests to the root ('/') should call the homePage callback
  7. Under that, define a function named listenCallback
  8. Add console.log('Server Running') to the body of listenCallback
  9. Finally, call app.listen and pass in port, hostname, and `listenCallback
  10. Run the server and verify that the home.html document appears on the homepage!


const express = require('express');
const path = require('path');

const hostname = '';
const port = 8080;

let app = express();

function homePage(request, response) {
    response.sendFile(path.join(__dirname, 'home.html'));

app.get('/', homePage);

function listenCallback() {
    console.log('Server Running');

app.listen(port, hostname, listenCallback);

Creating a Person Page

The people for this website should come from the people.json file. Note the data that appears for each person: First Name, Last Name, Avatar (image URL), Job, and Alive (boolean). The Person page should have a representation for all of this information.

Adding the HTML

First, create a new file in the People List project folder named people0.html. Fill it with the following HTML:

            body {
                background: mediumseagreen;
        <h3>Person Information</h3>
        <p>Name: Dorisa Wonfar</p>
        <p>Occupation: Media Manager I</p>
        <img src='' />        
        <p><a href='/'>Home</a></p>

Note that this person is the first from the people.json array. In addition to adding people0.html, update the home.html file with a link. The link should be within an li element in the ul element, and should send the user to the /person page.

    <a href="/person">Dorisa Wonfar</a>

Updating the JavaScript

Next, update the JavaScript to serve the new page.

  1. In the app.js file, define a new function named personPage with two parameters: request and response
  2. In the body of the personPage function, use response.sendFile to send person0.html
    • Use path.join to get the absolute path for person0.html
  3. Outside the function, call app.get
  4. Pass in arguments to specify that requests to the /person endpoint should call the personPage callback

Run the server to make sure the page for Dorisa loads properly!

function personPage(request, response) {
    let personFile = personFile = 'person0.html';
    let personPath = path.join(__dirname, personFile);

app.get('/person', personPage);

Adding Multiple People with a Query Parameter

One person is good, but the app would be much better if it could show multiple people. However, it would be ideal if all of these different people could be surfaced from the same endpoint (/person). It is possible to change the person information based on a query parameter!

  1. Create a new file in the People List project folder named person1.html
  2. Copy the HTML code from person0.html into person1.html
  3. Update person1.html so that it properly represents the second person from the people.json array
    • The background color should be red because Tammy is dead ☹
  4. At the top of the app.js file, import the url module, and store it in a const
     const url = require('url');
  5. In the body of the personPage function, obtain the value of a query parameter index and store it in a variable:
     let parsedUrl = url.parse(request.url, true);
     let index = Number(parsedUrl.query.index);
  6. Create an if statement to check if index is 0 or NaN
    • If it is, the server should respond to the request by sending person0.html
  7. Use an else if to check if index is 1
    • If it is, the server should respond to the request by sending person1.html
  8. In the home.html file, add a link to this second person by setting the href to /person?index=1:
     <li><a href="/person?index=1">Tammy Dalgliesh</a></li>
  9. Run the server to make sure each link works properly!


const express = require('express');
const path = require('path');
const url = require('url');

const hostname = '';
const port = 8080;

let app = express();

function homePage(request, response) {
    response.sendFile(path.join(__dirname, 'home.html'));

function personPage(request, response) {
    let personFile;
    let parsedUrl = url.parse(request.url, true);
    let index = Number(parsedUrl.query.index);

    if (index == 0 || isNaN(index)) {
        personFile = 'person0.html';
    } else if (index == 1) {
        personFile = 'person1.html';

    let personPath = path.join(__dirname, personFile);

app.get('/', homePage);
app.get('/person', personPage);

function listenCallback() {
    console.log('Server Running');

app.listen(port, hostname, listenCallback);

Adding More People

When this part is working, add another HTML page for the third person in the people.json array. Make sure to properly route to this new person's page based on the query parameter in the personPage function, and add a link on the home.html page. Add pages for as many of the people as possible!

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